Saturday, April 15

A Picture Paints A 1000 Words

Want me to list out what's wrong with this pic? EVERY F-ing THING!! I'll start from left to right.
Me (in black) - Er... What am I doing there?
Samson (in pink) - Evil, grinning vampire with night-vision eyes.
Mae (in white) - Her peace sign has been rotated 180*, and for anyone that doesn't know what a flipped over peace sign means... It's F. Plus that expression on her face!
Pumba (colourful) - Smiling vampire that's probably thinking "Come come~ I look nice so let me suck your blood."
Pat (in red) - Her legs!!!
Leng Seng (in orange) - Who the hell does he think he is? Is my class filled with creepy guys or what?
MShern (in brown) - Sesat man. He's like sooo out of the group and damn sesat.
Farhan (standing behind Mae and Pumba) - Seriously the creepiest guy ever and we might even be able to sell this pic of as a ghost pic. I think he looks like a goblin.
Err...... Yeah, that's Farhan alright. Eugene said this is what some people do when they get too bored... But personally, I think he looks like he's peeing. Muahahahahahahaha! Farhan! What are you doing ha?
Yes ladies and gentleman, that's Iu Tjun a.k.a. Mr. Wei a.k.a. the new Muscle-man.
I hear some people say he does that move all the time... No wonder most girls in our class are single! Just look at the type of guys surrounding us! But the worse part of this pic isn't Iu Tjun checking his own zipper out, it's the fact that SAMSON is checking his zipper out that's wrong!
At first glance, you would think "So, what's wrong with this pic? 2 girls playing fuseball right?"
WRONG!! Think again! Farhan caught MShern red-handed checking Kay's boobs out! Oh, and to do it in such a public area! MShern, what are you thinking man! And to think people think you're the kuai kia and the serious one of the group. *tzuk tzuk*
Oh my god! I'm sorry everyone for not asking y'all to prepare a puking bag!! Pat, I know you feel nauseous easily but don't barf on your computer! Eugene, look away! Look away before you smash your monitor to pieces. Oh my god, my computer is hanging. Farhan, is your laptop going haywire yet?
Watch our everybody! It's the attack of the Flirting Masturbating Cow!
Speechless.... I lost my appetite for the whole day. And "No!" Pat, it's not because I think you're cuter than me. Argh~ How can anyone ever be so vain!! Jess, don't lose to her, K? You must uphold your position as the Narc Queen or your Ponx will left alone on the throne with this maniac narc.
Personally, I really like this pic. Doesn't this resemble an island in the middle of a deep clam sea with a swaying coconut tree in the middle? By the way, that's Pumba's hair. Thanks Eugene for this scenic picture.
Wait, first he checks out Kay's boobs, now MShern is gaying with SJH? I'm getting really realy confused here.
*Someone whispers updates into my ear*
Oh~ MShern is checking out Michelle Yeoh with SJH!! OK OK, now I get it! Whew~ That got me a little worried just now, what with (as we all now) SJH's gayness and stuff. But MShern, are you cheating on Kay? I mean she did say she saw you hugging someone on Thursday right?
If I'm not mistaken, the question "Can a guy get raped?" is a very popular one. Well, now you have the answer : If Eugene is around, "Yes, a guy can get raped. He might even be forced into some sadomachoism positions."
Hei guys, check out that layer of blubber hanging out from Eugene's shorts! Hahahahaha!
Erm, here's a warning to you all. Retard Alert for the next pic.
Yeah, that's me! I was trying to do a mong huanzz pose but failed miserably. *sob sob* But never you mind, I'm not giving up! Anyway, Mae described this picture as "The perfect model for the Form 5 Biology text book on the chapter about genetics under the section "Genetical Defects : Down Syndrome". *Hardy har-har* Very funny.
By the way, for anyone wondering why I would defame myself by posting a picture like this here, the answer is : I can't stand people who talk bad bout others but not to the victim's face, I can't stand people who would be the loudest when complaining about something but shy away when it's time to start a revolution and last but not least, I hate someone who would spot mountains when it comes to seeing other people's wrongs yet not able find molehills when they look at themselves. So here it is, I dare to bitch bout other people's pictures, and I dare to bitch about myself too. I don't give a damn. If you guys are wondering, the traits I've mentioned above are existent in most Malaysian Chinese, including me. The second one about the complaining thing is most prominent in the male species.

** "hardy har-har" stands for laughing out reluctantly.


Pat Kesonsukhon said...

This entry is really full of sickening pics...exept the one with the girl in red holding a glass.

ahah...I'm so cute there...and you can't beat me so you must get a narc queen to battle for her place on the throne huh...

I don't even have to try to be a narc to look like seen in the pic...I was only trying to shoot myself a pic of before and after drinking the super kiwi evidence that I did drink the juice.

My legs? yeah what about them...I know you can't do your legs like mine.

Pat Kesonsukhon said...

Looks like someone here tried to do a narcish pose but awfully ended up looking like a retard...wahahahah your just jealous of me...huhuhu

Niyi said...

jealous?! never!! im god ok? u're just lucky we din get any pics of u that wud hv put u in a very very compromising position.

Niyi said...

oh... okie... so farhan said he was trying to put his leg over the table.... *sweats* ... "hazard light~~"