Monday, May 29

Crappy Poem #2

A few of my friends seem to regard me as a dictionary / personal writer / very very free slacker because they just have this tendency towards chucking all sorts of crappy essay and (the latest edition) poetry my way, asking me to do it for them. So, below is a poem I had to write in like... 3 minutes for a friend currently at matrics.

Who is young, fair and pretty
Sibling of Aphrodite, Ares and Mary
Lover of art, mystery and beauty
Who fears not death but the lost of time
Who needs not riches but contempt with rags
Who feels no sadness nor misery, just the joy of life.

Yeah, I know it is totally crappy but what can I say? She is a girl of immense depth, and I can find no other way to describe her.



Jess said...

OMG.. UR SO KENG LER!!!! adore!!! WALAU!!!! KENG LER!! dont be so modest.. this is really good..

Niyi said...

*sweat*.... wei~ are u drunk? even the title of this thing is "CRAPPY Poem"....

Jess said...

i think its really good!!!