Wednesday, December 5

You Can't Tell Me It's Not Worth Dying For

I was observing the joys of childhood and youthfulness (traits that are extremely hard to avoid at my job) and I couldn't help but grieve my loss of it. However, I'm quite determined to never fall into the depths of that depression again so here's to my will power!
I really hope it does not fail me. So here I am, wishing that the movements of my fingers will cease the workings of my brain.
I don't have anything to write. My life is so mundane that it's a shame. Wow, the previous sentence rhymes! Anyway, I was thinking that I might indulge whoever cares to read my posts to venture farther and maybe read some wonderful writings that I enjoy. I know I sound really old but let's face it, I've long passed my days of youth.
Two of my favourite styles of writings are classic and chic lit. I know there cannot be anything quite as different as these two but believe me, there's a very good mix. It's like rap music and country, they are the perfect compliments and complement of each other. After the classics have left you serious and sober, there's nothing better than letting your brain go to waste on some chic lit that requires the lowest amount of thinking possible. For classics, I recommend books by the Bronte sisters and of course, no female can call themselves classical book readers and not read Jane Austen. I'm currently reading Emma and I can't believe how much I enjoy it. To be honest, I was expecting myself to read it only when I'm absolutely bored out of my bujeezers but I find myself actually feeling agitated when something or somebody distracts me from my read!
When the sun shines we shine together~ Told you I'll be here forever~ *can't help not singing, I'm listening to it now*
Oh, we can move on to my next favourite thing -- music! Honestly, I suck at it. I can't sing I can't play any instrument (yet) but I really think our lives will be wanting so much if it were not for music. The reason I put a "yet" there is because I'm learning drumming right now! Haha, I'm so proud of myself for finally acting on my desires. Just you wait guys, I'll be rocking next to Tommy Lee in no time. Well, not really.... I don't recall whether I've already said it here or not but to be honest, before going for my first lesson I was sooooo sure that the teacher will look at me with jaws dropped and say "Oh my god, you must be Mozart reincarnate!"
Unfortunately, unless Mozart really really really extremely unforgivably SUCKED at drumming, there's no way I can be his reincarnation or anywhere near his descendants. But you know.... Life's like that, right? Don't give up and don't back down. Since I fancy myself to be having a lot of free time (which I don't really cause of my work and my reading and my drumming and my having to decide which laptop I want to buy and my fixed time devoted to Ellen-ing), I've also taken up the task of trying to give myself the abs of Gwen. Oh, that can be my new tag line! Abs of Gwen! Unfortunately (again) that couldn't and wouldn't possibly happen anytime soon either. To give you a hint of why this is so, let my enlighten you on what I just ate for dinner an hour ago.
Butter naan with butter chicken and chicken briyani rice and apple cake and mangoes and yogurt drink and I really should end this sentence now.
So, while anybody else aspiring for the Abs of Gwen can fly ahead in their jets and Lambos, I'll just follow behind leisurely on my kap chai motorcycle.
To console myself, at least I don't suck so much at reading. On another note, please will you all pray that my job will no longer find my service necessary so that I can quit ASAP?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... mozart reincarnate!!

... wad's kap chai? since when did u hv a motorcycle??!