Wednesday, July 23

What Separates Me From You

I thought religion is about loving thy neighbours and understanding and good values in general. I don't get it when people allow this to come between each other....
Why should you care if people are of different beliefs as long as they (as people i.e. fathers sons daughters friends) are good inside?
We might look, talk and think different but ultimately, all of us have 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes with 2 sex chromosomes... that is unless you're born with a disease or something. Even so we're taught to not discriminate against the less-fortunate. So why see each other as different when we're not? Why let minuscule issues such as differing opinions that will bring no harm to each other become an obstacle in a relationship (of any kind)?

People have corrupted too many things in life already. Don't let something that was intended to show love become a breeding ground for hate.
If you really do believe in religion and god and everything else you choose to believe in, then believe that others have the right to view the same issue from different angles, that you can't always be right and that diversity is supposed to allow organisms to increase their chances of survival against epidemics and bottleneck situations.

Saturday, July 19

You Give It All But I Want More

Do good days come less often, so that when it does come, it seems more precious?

On a bed of nails you make me wait, and I'm waiting for you, with or without you..

Friday, July 4


I just had this weird Alice in Wonderland sort of nightmare thing. And funniest of all, I remember all of it!

It started out with Cheryl and I out together which in itself is strange because we don't go out together alone now do we? You know I mean like we normally go out with Sam etc.
OK so we were out at some place that strangely enough looked very much like Pacific Mall which is some crappy little mall here in Butterworth. While we were there this high school friend of mine came up to us and I didn't realise the strangeness of this until I woke up - Cheryl started talking to her like old friends but I forgot her name her age her everything. So yeah the friend conveniently reminds us that we have an exam right there and then and somehow Cheryl won't stop talking to her even though we were like crazy late already.
So, I ditched Cheryl to run to school but then halfway through I didn't want to leave her alone so I stopped to wait for her then this basketball team mate of mine showed up and gave me the biggest "I know your secret" grin. Which is weird cause even I don't know I had a secret. After that grin and she passed me by Cheryl showed up and she didn't want to talk to me because I ditched her like that.

We rushed to school together and when we reached there there was this strange like um... You know the police academy system in Japan? You have to like finish your basic education then you can join the academy then you get to move up the steps and ranking type of thing. So the school had these steep stairs that symbolised that system and every time there's an exam there'll be a ledge to climb. There I was running up the steps and pulling with my whole body not to fall when all of a sudden my body starts aching and I remembered that (in real life) I've been doing a lot of push ups out of boredom and my arms are failing me. This is the point where I thought "Hei, I don't remember seeing these steps before. Why didn't I just use the normal easy route I always used?"
But by then I was too high to go down so I had to fight on all while Cheryl was climbing normal small little steps beside me. Don't ask why I didn't just go join her.
So then we arrive at school and the paper has already started so Cheryl goes into her room and I go into mine. But then, my room didn't have an invigilator! And I was the first seat of the row and Laveena was sitting behind me! All this is strange because I'm always the last seat and Christine is the one near me.

So no invigilator = no exam paper. I had to rush to Cheryl's room to ask for help from the other invigilator and just as the teacher comes over, the lights in my room goes out. BUT!
But the teacher doesn't do anything and just goes "I don't have the papers, just sit down and do your own thing."
What the hell! The room was pitch black and I had no questions to answer for an exam and nobody was helping me!
This is when I sat down and Laveena kindly tells me there are extra papers under the desk so I go take 'em and get ready to rock & roll but then I find out the subject of the paper...

It's Bahasa Melayu!!!

Wednesday, July 2


Someday someone is gonna ask me why I'm doing all this for and I'll have nothing to show for it.

Absolutely nothing.

Tried To Be Chill But You're So Hot That I Melted

To be nobody but yourself in a wold which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.

- E. E. Cummings