Wednesday, December 9


The more I read and the more I think, the more I find this life unsubstantial. And the beliefs that we hold, foolish at best.

Why do so many people believe in something as unbelievable as god? Why are people so quick to not question and not argue about the existence of something so omnipotent that it is simply impossible? Why do some people go to the extent of killing others for such an immature belief?

I find it disgusting. The image of lives lost. Dead. Gone. And to what end? So some psychotic schizophrenic and go around preaching about hatred and violence masked as some great attempt to save human beings and instill universal love?

I find it unfair that religion is pressed upon a child when he/she is first born. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that you get to choose what job you'll take, who you'll marry, the friends you'll make, the place you'll live and work in, what hobby you want and to an extent, even what citizenship you want to hold but somehow, you are not allowed to choose the one thing that will probably govern your belief about life and death and the beyond - religion?

Why do we let something that dictates the eradication of people who are not alike - gays, transsexuals, people of other religion, people who challenge the foundations of a certain religion? Why do we let something that systematically belittle roughly half of our population into nothing more than baby carrying containers made to serve, love and dedicate themselves to the existence of her husband roam large and loud? Why do we practise the freedom of choice and human rights in so many things but not in this?