Sunday, November 30

Lemons Are Yellow

This is like the longest standing blog I've ever had... I go through my previous posts and I go "Huh? When did I write that?"
Well, I actually have nothing to write about right now. Guess cause that day Zoe said something bout me updating my blog after dunno how long with two sentences so here I am.
It's way past 2 sentences now :D Yay Me!
I dunno what to write about...
Hei, you know how some times you look at someone and wonder "Hmmm, do I know that person?"
That happens to me a lot.
Like a loooooooot.
Mostly when that person is smiling at me or waving or something.
Worse still if that person suddenly comes up to you at the Taman Connaught pasar malam and goes "Hei Niyi! Remember me?!"
You would think that in such a crowd you could easily blend in and not be put in a situation like that.
And in my defence, I think it is very normal to reply 'yes' to that question without thinking!
I mean it's common courtesy, hello?!
And of course when that person asks "OK, so what's my name?" then you're screwed.
Like, who the hell asks that question?
If someone say "Yes I know you." then just take it as yes she knows you!
I mean like what is in a name, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet right?
By the way, first lesson of this post. When someone tests whether you remember her name or not, randomly firing a few names that pops into your head is not a very smart choice.
Neither is telling her "Fine I don't remember your name." after a few failed attempts.
Somebody should seriously write a book about what to do when you're caught in a stupid situation like that.
OK, for your future convenience, I shall give a few pointers.
One, take control of the conversation! See, if you keep talking and firing the questions, she'd have no time to grill you. And when you're finally at a lost of distractions, say "Oh my friends are waiting so I better go now. Bye~" You may even add 'take care' at the end to make it sound as if you care. Cause honestly, I do care. Even if I don't remember your name or how I know you.
And yes I assumed you're there with a friend cause if you were walking about the mall or pasar malam all alone then well, maybe you should sit at home instead...
I have no two.
I just thought it'd be cool if I kinda make like a point form presentation. Makes me feel like I'm giving useful information to my lil' minions.
Bow to me!!!!

Wednesday, November 26

Late Is The New In Thing

I sooooo did not forget your birthday OK?
But I've been kinda busy these days so haven't been able to come online.
And unlike Farhan n MS some idiot didn't give me her handphone number so I couldn't text you.
Again, I sooooooo did not forget OKIE??????


Happy Birthday Hammie :D

Wednesday, November 19


I'm sick of waiting.
Stupid imaginations take hold of me.