Friday, June 23

Say It Write!

Can you imagine me getting up at 7a.m. during the holiday and dragging my dead and cold feet across the room and into the shower all for the sake of going to school? Oh, have I already mentioned it's a holiday? Just so this point strikes home in your brain : IT'S A FREAKING HOLIDAY!!
Anyway, there I was early in the morning cursing and swearing at my stupidity for signing up to that "Say It Write" course and vowing never to do something this stupid that would force me out of the comfort of my soft and cozy bed at 7a.m., ever again. But of course, haven't I vowed to never do such things for like only a million times? Look where it got me. Thinking twice, of course I added Terms and Conditions : "Unless that thing is really cool." By the way, my definition of "cool" may vary greatly from that of a normal teenager's. For example, I think reading a good book for hours on end is cool.
OK, putting that aside I finally managed to get my lazy ass ready and my tummy full before MShern came and was actually on time to leave for the course. Shows you what sort of great determination I have. Such self-control that prevents me from running back into the arms of Jackie (my cute soft-toy dog) and sleeping till the sun shines up my nostrils, which, by the way, will never happen because my bed isn't placed in that position. In other words, I wanted to sleep forever.
So, got to college. Crammed with Pat into a room full of high school students, thought how uncomfortable the hard wooden bench is on my half-asleep butt, and prepared myself for an hour of hopefully very useful and worthwhile talk. I must tell you, I wasn't disappointed. The speaker for our first course "Changing Personal Experiences Into Narrative Stories" was by Robert Rayner who is a professional writer and also a lecturer somewhere. He is actually a very good speaker and got probably the whole lecture theater hooked on every single one of his words. He's quirky and full of expressions and wasn't afraid to show them. He also had a great sense of humor and got of laughing through out the whole talk. He thought us the basic writing skills and a few task. He also supplied us with lots of example written by himself of how paragraphs or stories should not turn out to be, and most of them were on a comedic side. The best example he gave was a story that was too tentative and lost its taste there. It was about a scary ghost story that wasn't scary at all unless you think "Scary Movie" is scary. It wrote about a boy who wanted to tell us about a haunted house but didn't want to believe that ghost exists either, and he was afraid of ghosts yet he didn't want to admit it either. The whole story went something like this :
So, there is this house that looks scary, especially at night, it's really creepy, you know? I was walking pass that house, and it was night, you know, and it was sort of scary, but I wasn't scared or anything. Then I saw a ghost. I didn't actually see a ghost, but I think I saw a white thing flying above the ground. Well I don't know if it's flying or what you know? It just wasn't standing on the ground like normal. Not that I was scared or anything, but I ran out of the place like, kind of as fast as possible.
OK, it was a lot funnier than this crap because I didn't really copy it down. The whole story was just filled with "sort of" and "kind of" and you don't know if he's scared or not and whether he saw a ghost or a "flying white thing".
Although Mr. Derek thought the talk was too basic and wouldn't have been much use of me, I beg to differ. To tell you the truth, I haven't really like, learned English before, so this talk provided me with a fun and useful approach that I believe I can really put to use.
Anyway, during the talk Mr. Rayner asked us to write down a few titles of articles we could write that is based on our personal experiences and asked us to focus on one of those titles and I chose "Public Toilets : The Psychological Trauma".


Jess said...

wei nio ah.. how'd u make ur posts so wide??

cos mine is only confined to the center.. i wanna make mine go to the right mroe.. please teach!

Niyi said...

the template "Content" there got the how many px lidat mia. I just change the "content : width". "sidebar : width" and "main : width". choose any number you like lah.