Friday, August 17

Why, When The Invisble Man You Talk To Is Named God, You Are Called A Saint

Yet when the invisible person is named Bill, Tom or Jane, you're called a schizophrenic?
I've got an answer to it. It's called name-discrimination.
How else can you explain it, right?
Was not Joan of Arc and Mohammad just people who woke up one day and said their invisible "friend" told them they were "messengers" and had the political tact to spoon-feed the world into believing their every word?
But my post is not about this issue. That was just a lingering thought that I needed to expel.
My post is about a much deeper issue that boils beneath the surface.... Oh, it's deep. As deep as ancient history and voodoo worshiping goes. For those of you with an upset-able bowel or a weak heart... You have been warned!

It took place on a late August night, when the air was cool and the wind whispered names beyond the graves.... Today, we shall talk about paranoia.
Do you know how paranoia starts?
I do. Oh, yes. I do. And guess what? I'm gonna tell you.
It starts when crappy people constantly say crappy things around you. Easy and simple as that.
We're brought up to be children of science, and we have been taught to support whatever hypothesis we suggest with experiment based conclusions. So here's my experiment and the all so obvious and undeniable conclusion.
Apparatus used: Crappy friends, stupid stories, guinea pig.
Recommended guinea pig: Me.
Hypothesis: Paranoia is a result of the surrounding environment containing too much crap and idiots.
  1. Find and collect a group of 3 crappy friends and a guinea pic. Allow to interact.
  2. Make crappy friends tell stupid ghost stories animated with stupid noises and even stupider faces in front of guinea pig.
  3. Repeat Step 2 a few times over a period of a few days.
  4. On the 8th day of repeating Step 2, make guinea pig leave phone in a dark bedroom at night.
  5. Guinea pig returns to bedroom a few minutes later.
  6. Phone is ringing and the idiotic ringtone of the guinea pig's phone fills the dark dark room.
  7. Guinea pig does not realise it's the phone and gets scared.
  8. After eliminating the source of the weird noise, guinea pig absent-mindedly switches the radio on and leave room to get a drink downstairs.
  9. When guinea pig steps into the dark kitchen, loud tribal music is clearly audible from a far-off distant. Guinea pig gets scared shitless again.
  10. After confirming the source of the music to be a party held a few roads away, guinea pig returns to room at the exact moment the stupid Mix.FM is playing the song "I Love Rock 'n Roll".
  11. Singer happens to be going into the shriek / moan part of the song.
  12. Guinea pig does not realise the radio was previously turned on and, again, gets very VERY scared.
  13. Guinea pig is now very paranoid.
Hypothesis accepted. There is concrete proof to sustain the statement that crappy friends repeating idiotic ghost stories is a leading cause of paranoia.

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