Friday, February 1

Where do I sign up?

You know what I've suddenly realized?!
There are exactly 12 days left until the big day! I don't get why people celebrate their 21st birthday with such a bang when I feel the 20th birthday is more important cause you know... like it's the year you stop being seven, eight, nineTEEN and become a twenTY. It's like a serious transaction.
Our age changes from single digits to pre-teen and teen and now that we've become post-teen, it's like we've joined a whole new alliance. Isn't it strange how the first twenty years of our lives had so many phases to it but once we reach that 20year marker, it all becomes sort of monotonous? Like how we'll be twenTY, thirTY, forTY and so on. Like we went from one two three to eleven twelve which were exciting in their own way. Then suddenly we became thirTEEN and fourTEEN which was even more exciting (despite being a little depressing for me). But still, we were making progress. But now that we inch closer to joining the TY-ties (pronounced tee-tees), it all seems kind of bleak. No longer will we be able to excite ourselves by the way our age is written or pronounced. There will be no more profound changes in the years that mark our lives. From now on it's TY to the end.
It's as if whoever thought up this way of counting numbers just thought "Haha! In case you aren't depressed enough by the loss of your childhood, I'll make the future seem more dark and gloomy by making the rest of your years into TY-ties!"
Gosh, what cruelty.

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