Saturday, December 8

Death Is But Another Release

I read this children's book titled "The Honey Bear Who Wanted A Friend" or something to that affect and I couldn't help but be amazed at how politically incorrect the whole affair is! And it's very clearly a children's book! Well, that is unless some very sick and twisted people have started publishing adult reads with colourful covers and pictures of cute little animals lining the pages. The whole thing was an insult to the innocence of childhood!
I've been using a lot of exclamation marks but I can't help it cause I'm just appalled by all this.
The book tells the story about this lonely Honey Bear who cried and cried about his loneliness and one day decided to go on a quest to find himself a friend. In the whole of the story, he met numerous animals whom he tried to help but in vain. Some because his size was merely too big for them (like the birds trying to build a nest) and some because they simply would not accept his help in fear of what ulterior motive he might have. There were the beavers who played with him but after a good day of fun, he realises he's different from them and simply could not fit in so he quits them. At the end of a story, like all children's stories, he finds a friend. But surprise, surprise. Who is the friend but another fellow bear, and a girl bear for that matter. Yes, they wrote it and even stressed the fact that it's a girl bear who will one day become Mama Bear to his little ones. Yes! THEY WROTE ALL THAT!
In case you stone-heads haven't realised the whole problem behind all this. Let me enlighten you (for is that not my job as the all-knowing one?).
First of all, it shows inability to be alone and to seek out companionship. Well, that's not a problem at all until kids who are so in need of attention and companionship turns to measures such as drugs and being useless A-holes.
Then, we reach the main insult of the whole book. That just because things are different you should not and CAN NOT accept them. This is proven in the numerous times he tried to make friends with the swans, the fawns or other animals. Those animals' fear of the well-meaning Honey Bear also teach kids that you should fear (and hence reject) anything that's different from you. Not different from what is right; Different from YOU! Are we still wondering why people always have racial / cultural / religious conflicts? I bet all the people out there trying to resolve these conflicts in peaceful terms never read this Honey Bear book when they were still at an impressionable age.
At the end of the story, there is the insult to the homosexuals out there and the very misplaced sex-education! Do these kids really need to know one day the guy sitting beside you is gonna F you and you're gonna go through 9months of pain and hardship as a result? And that book was probably meant for readers of 4-7 years of age! I call that totally inappropriate. Then there's the whole issue of stressing the fact that the new friend is a girl bear. Not another bear, not another boy bear, no no. They stressed that it was a GIRL bear. The girl bear that will soon be called Mama Bear.
While the maniacs out there are trying to purge discrimination by changing "Baa-baa Black Sheep" into "Baa-baa Colourful Sheep", readers of this book are being taught to not only discriminate blacks, but every other thing that differs from themselves. Does nobody see the irony?
The worse part of all this boo-haa being that "black sheep" is a very legitimate term describing a person who causes shame or embarrassment because of deviation from the accepted standards of his or her group. And this is true back in the time when bleach didn't exist because of course people would rather have white wool that looks clean when it's clean and black when it's dirty (hence reminding you to clean it). Really, who cares about this small issue when the cute ol' Honey Bear is out there doing more harm than all the nursery rhymes combined?

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