Saturday, December 1

Put The Blame On.... Definitely Not Me

Hello fat pigs and goats~ the holly mama is back! I'm officially in the house!
Like duh~ how would I be writing this if I'm not sitting at my PC which (again) duh~ happens to be IN my house? Not like I have a laptop or something.
Did you just say laptop? Oh, NO (waving a disapproving finger) you did en't!
I just bummed my whole day today thinking bout laptops! Like seriously.
I had my whole day planned out before laptops came to mind! It was breezy and sunny (at least in my mind... the actual weather sucks) and I thought "Ah~ what a day! I should go running!" (because I ate soooo much last night that my guilt-processor is in hyper-drive) and since my mom has been bugging me to go back to KDU and grab my results slip, I thought well since it's a jolly day, I shall go there grab those annoying things and go catch a movie with Pat after that! So I sat around a little bit and got too lazy to go running which made me postpone my whole go gym then go KDU plan but alas, I did manage to do some running. Afterwards, it was way too late for me to go to the office but of course, that shouldn't stand in the way of me and my lovely arcade so there I was, ready to go on as planned but noooo~ Something called the PC Fair had to pop into my dad's brain and nooo~ we had to go there together hence making me car-less and officially pooping all my plans.
And believe you me, I wouldn't be complaining so much if the trip was in any way beneficial. Instead of coming home enlightened and determined, I came back with a headache and too much knowledge (which I don't appreciate) and even more greed! If things chose a day in my life to go wrong, it must have been today.
Do we really need laptops? Looking at all the things at PC Fair just now, I felt certain I must have dropped out of a time machine one way or another, konked my head on something, had amnesia and mysteriously got warped into this foreign life. Maybe that'll explain why i virtually have no childhood memories save the ones I see from pictures! Eureka! I knew I'm smart but sometimes, I even surprise myself man.
OK, it's officially. Watching Ellen DeGeneres on a daily basis is taking its toll on me. But I haven't felt this cheerful in a long time!
I seriously can't decide which to get. It's so confusing with all the numbers and shiny things and argh!!! At first I was dead set on Apple 'cause it looks oh so droolingly cool but then I see this HP Pavilion (the one I'm checking out is the DV6601TX, in case any of you are interested) and I thought wooooh! And the best part is, it has like 70% of the apple coolness in terms of looks. But of course the software from Apple kicks freedom ass. They might be monopolizing and all that shit but for what they offer, it's good.
However, the rational side of me is making it hard to ignore the fact that the HP I'm eyeing comes with a separate graphic card plus like 130GB of extra hard disk space and also more RAM than the Apple. Oh, the torments of life!
Plus there's also the fact that Slur uses Apple and as her namesake, she's slur! So you know, to actually be using something that Slur uses kinda like makes me feel I'm going slur too.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.

PS: The prices are similar so don't use that card on me.
PPS: Miss you to bits Slurrie!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wad?!?!!?!?!? apple is good ok?!?! it annoys me oni coz it doesn't hv memory card reader. other than dat i luv my mac. XD

miss u 2 bits too my eggieeee~
