Monday, June 9

Dreams for Plans

I don't have anything to blog about!
Well I mean no pics. I have a lot on my mind actually.
First is the road trip we've been trying to plan but up till now seems a little messed up.
OK so here's what I've got so far.... it's gonna be like a 6-7 days trip to the east coast. We'll go to Stella's house first and crash there for a few days while she brings us around that tiny little place.
I've never been to Kuantan but I can just imagine how tiny it's going to be! I mean I met 2 very unrelated people from Kuantan this year (one of them Stella) and they know each other. And they're totally not related to each other in what-so-ever way except that they're both from Kuantan!
But I digress. Coming back...
So basically I think that tiny little itsy-bitsy place will take like 2 days and I want to go to the beach and waterfall too so Kuantan will be like 3 days. After that the package I've (actually it's Joann's) found so far for Perhentian is this 3 days 2 nights at a resort that cost like RM400. I know it's actually the correct price but I'm just hoping we can find a cheaper place or something. Hope the rest of the people don't mind paying for this (=.=")
So yeah, I was thinking take a bus over to Kuantan cause we can't really get a car. I don't really like buses though cause you know lah all those accidents and the time it takes and everything. Plus car = FREEDOM!
Can go crazy and show off my singing skills or something.
Oh by the way, I've decided that from now on I won't say "I'm gonna SING a song" anymore.
From now on, it's "I'm gonna READ a song".
Judging from the feedbacks I get (we all know how much Monashians love feedbacks), it sounds the same whether I sing or read or talk anyway.
I hate Stella for laughing at my absolutely superbly magnificent reading skills!
Where was I?
Oh yes, bussing there. Anyways so bus there in the morning, hopefully arrive by 3-4pm. Rest a while and get the trip started. Hmm... Actually, now that I put it this way, it doesn't seem so messed up anymore. Just need to sort the Perhentian part out and get my beach wear ready. Wooohooo~!
Oh, have you guys heard of Papaya Farm before?
It's on Perhentian and it's where the nudists go XD
Hope I can get there this time.



Jess said...

I have heard of the papaya farm before!! haha wei you should try then let me know k! haha

Was it in pahang? I heard that it was in Johor? Hmm maybe I got my facts mixed up.

Niyi said...

=.=" it's in pulau perhentian... which in case u duno.. in in terenganu...

i'm trying to guess what u got for ur geo XD