Thursday, September 20

Wonder Why I Keep Opening Them...

You know all those stupid Friendster bulletins and chain-mails that claims stuff like it's so true and this and that? Well, I've done a lot of thinking... And I mean A LOT! Here are some questions I really hope someone will help me answer.
1) When you read those mails that say "Oh my god it really works etc etc" and go on to give examples of how this woman fell on her face and died or how a man choked to death on banana skin, don't you ever wonder who writes how they died after they disobeyed they mail IF they're really dead? I really don't want to touch the subject of (the non-existent) ghosts.
2) When the whole mail is filled with stories about all those examples, can you just delete those examples and forward the remaining parts because basically if everyone obeyed the chain-letter in the first place all those examples won't be there right?
3) Is there like a "Chain-Letter Handbook" that determines what parts can and can not be deleted? If it does exist then who wrote it?
4) Is there really anybody out there who seriously believes in chain-letters? Like seriously! Oh wait, so many people believe in ghosts that anything is possible... (=_=")
5) What if I'm a really slow reader and by the time I finish reading the whole mail, the given time period to forward those mails is already up? Does it count as I disobeyed or those the whatever all-mighty force guiding and giving punishments understand the difficulties of slow readers?
6) How do you press F6 back in the days when you don't have a computer or the internet? You know... those mails always say "Press F6 afterwards and the name of your crush will appear on the screen bla bla bla".
7) Those mails always say if you send it or don't send it, something good / bad will happen at midnight and shit like that. Well, to tell you the truth, I usually sleep at 10pm or maybe 11. What happens then? Does the crush that was supposed to confess to me suddenly get a light bulb moment and decide to call me at a more godly hour or do I miss the chance of my life?
Dang, I need some answers quick!

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