Tuesday, October 2

Sometimes you sail through life without a storm cloud in sight and suddenly an ice-berg comes out of no where and sinks you like lead. All the time you've been keeping your eyes on the storm and preparing for it and it never happens but instead, you sink over an idiotic piece of ice! Just imagine how Titanic must have felt.
Sometimes you have these debilitating (mental) diseases and it all seems to have been cured and passed but suddenly you start seeing the signs and symptoms creep up on you like the shadow from Shakespeare's "Life's Brief Candle". You kick it 3 times in the shin and stomped on it and think "Well, that's the end of it." but no, it all comes back to haunt you.
Try as you might to keep the obvious harm out of your face, the even more obvious ones that we never care to notice often knock the wind out of you. Ironic.

Note to self: Don't go anywhere near Tao for the next one of two years.

And all his yesterdays have lighted fools,
Away to dusty death.

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