Wednesday, April 30

The Way We Were

I'm doing some read-ups on stress management in relation with the theory that psychological stress affects our risk of developing cancer. In one of the sites, a technique called Imagery is used. Basically it's remember something that soothes and relaxes you like the way your mom's cooking taste or the coffee shop at the corner of your old house. Something like that.
When I tried it on myself, the first thought that came was the day I spent with Shirling and Stef hiking Kerachut and the fun we had on the beach. I didn't know Stef before then and I kinda had a negative image of her but that day, I was taught the evils of prejudice and being judgmental.
Now, I remember that day as the best day I've had in the past couple of years. It sounds lame, just 3 girls on an empty beach (it really is empty because not many people know about it and it takes an hour or more of hiking to reach it). But the truth is, that day was bliss.
Too bad the people that matter will never see this post.And too bad I don't have any pictures to remember that day by.

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