Today marked the end of our AS trial exams and boy, does it feel great.
Imagine a brick the size of Komtar being lifted off your shoulders and you finally being able to leave the bed of nails you were sleeping on. That's exactly how I feel right now.
I know the end of trials only signify that the real AS exam is 2 weeks away but quite frankly, I couldn't care less anymore.
Take everyday as it comes. Don't procrastinate what has to be or should be done, at the same time, don't waste your energy thinking bout what might happen and just wait for it to happen.
That's the attitude that I'll be adopting until something else comes along. Preferably something with big shiny lights and background music that goes "Ka-ching!".
I've had this habit since... Well, since quite a long time ago about always stressing myself out for the trials (at least in my terms it's really stressing it out but it's actually just a few last minute studying) and totally letting everything go when the real exam comes. Maybe it's just a mental and psychological retaliation of being forced to cram an infinite amount of data into my head in such a short period of time (which I'll eventually forget.. my brain undergoes thermal decomposition under the presence of an autocatalyst). I don't know. As a result, I end up doing not so well for the thing that actually matters.
Well, not anymore! Say hello to the new and improved me, Version 6.66. For this exam, I'm gonna study and try better than before to make sure I don't let anybody (mainly me) down. Even if it means tying myself with metal chains on a chair with my head held in position with some medieval torture equipment. Of course, fingers crossed that this situation won't take place anytime soon.
People say that a great journey always begins with the first step. Well, at least my mental-will has taken it's first step. Whether the other parts of my anatomy will follow suit is another matter.
Hei Slur, maybe we can do a buddy system where I'm completely dependant on you and you can somehow do your mojo-jojo on me and make me study for a change. I'll be glad to return you the favour but knowing you.... I doubt I could be of any use.
Anyways, good luck to all you sitting for your AS and A2 next month!
Wednesday, September 27
Tuesday, September 26
In case any of you are wondering, no, the title doesn't have any meaning. Of course if you want then I can instantly think of some crap to explain it but no, the title has absolutely no meaning at all.
Well, at least not in English.
Anyway, aren't you guys amazed by the amount of death taking place in society these days? I was scanning through the papers (my good ol' Stars!) before this and I was simply shocked beyond speech on the amount of headers that contained the word "kill" or "dead" in a single day.
First there's this girl who got smacked and bashed up IN SCHOOL IN CLASS BY A TEACHER and then, get this, THROWN OUT OF THE WINDOW! How is that even possible in a civilised society!!
Then there's this report on this, in my very justified opinion, insane-beyond-the-magnitude-of-how-insane-a-person-can-get woman who killed a pregnant lady, cut open her tummy to extract the fetus and then called up her (the freak-of-nature woman's) boyfriend to say she has delivered and then called the police to say she gave birth to a still-born in a parking lot or something. WAIT!! That's not all. After that, she CONFESSED that she had killed a woman to get the fetus so the police goes to the victim's apartment and bla bla bla. Later on, they notice the 3 kids of the woman are missing and start a search and the very same profoundly stupid psychotic woman comes and tells the cops she drowned the 3 kids and stuffed them into the washer and the dryer at the victim's apaprtment. And true enough, there they were. But judging at how unbelievably idiotic some law system in some country has become, she'll probably get of scratch-free just by pleading insanity.
Then there's the report about this lorry driver who was stabbed to death by a husband in a crime of passion after the husband found out his wife was sleeping with the lorry dude. Oh, then there's these 4 innocent people who got smashed to smithereens when their car collided head-on with a truck that lost control and one of the victim was a pregnant.
And I bet there're still some deaths that I can't seem to remember at the moment posted in the papers today. Seriously, before this (the last time I seriously read the papers was like.... last year) I would turn through the papers and feel how boring it is and now it's filled to the brim with mortifying news. And honestly, I think I enjoy the boring paper more.
What the hell is going on with society nowadays! I know I'm crapping about how we need population control and all the shit like that but I didn't really mean for it to actually take place! And besides I was hoping on some natural catastrophe happening and killing all the inmates of the highest-security jail or something cause those guys are just plain crooks who society have no use of. Of course the wardens there will somehow be on leave on that fateful day and hence be spared from the disaster.
Before this, there were news about snatch-thieves everywhere and how grannies are just dropping dead from heart-attack when somebody taps them from the back and those youngsters who were killed in cold blood just so some scum-bag can earn some cash to go get high on drugs or something. Go further back in time and there'll be a gazillion news about rapes occuring everywhere. Fathers and some times even GRANDFATHERS raping the teenage girls at home. High schoolers being raped here and there by people they know and everything.
It's complete and utterly disgusting.
If there really exists a divine power up there hiding behind some clouds, I suggest he/she returns to duty IMMEDIATELY.
PS: There is, however, a death which we can all rejoice on if the reports prove to be true -- that of bin Laden's. Three cheers!!
Well, at least not in English.
Anyway, aren't you guys amazed by the amount of death taking place in society these days? I was scanning through the papers (my good ol' Stars!) before this and I was simply shocked beyond speech on the amount of headers that contained the word "kill" or "dead" in a single day.
First there's this girl who got smacked and bashed up IN SCHOOL IN CLASS BY A TEACHER and then, get this, THROWN OUT OF THE WINDOW! How is that even possible in a civilised society!!
Then there's this report on this, in my very justified opinion, insane-beyond-the-magnitude-of-how-insane-a-person-can-get woman who killed a pregnant lady, cut open her tummy to extract the fetus and then called up her (the freak-of-nature woman's) boyfriend to say she has delivered and then called the police to say she gave birth to a still-born in a parking lot or something. WAIT!! That's not all. After that, she CONFESSED that she had killed a woman to get the fetus so the police goes to the victim's apartment and bla bla bla. Later on, they notice the 3 kids of the woman are missing and start a search and the very same profoundly stupid psychotic woman comes and tells the cops she drowned the 3 kids and stuffed them into the washer and the dryer at the victim's apaprtment. And true enough, there they were. But judging at how unbelievably idiotic some law system in some country has become, she'll probably get of scratch-free just by pleading insanity.
Then there's the report about this lorry driver who was stabbed to death by a husband in a crime of passion after the husband found out his wife was sleeping with the lorry dude. Oh, then there's these 4 innocent people who got smashed to smithereens when their car collided head-on with a truck that lost control and one of the victim was a pregnant.
And I bet there're still some deaths that I can't seem to remember at the moment posted in the papers today. Seriously, before this (the last time I seriously read the papers was like.... last year) I would turn through the papers and feel how boring it is and now it's filled to the brim with mortifying news. And honestly, I think I enjoy the boring paper more.
What the hell is going on with society nowadays! I know I'm crapping about how we need population control and all the shit like that but I didn't really mean for it to actually take place! And besides I was hoping on some natural catastrophe happening and killing all the inmates of the highest-security jail or something cause those guys are just plain crooks who society have no use of. Of course the wardens there will somehow be on leave on that fateful day and hence be spared from the disaster.
Before this, there were news about snatch-thieves everywhere and how grannies are just dropping dead from heart-attack when somebody taps them from the back and those youngsters who were killed in cold blood just so some scum-bag can earn some cash to go get high on drugs or something. Go further back in time and there'll be a gazillion news about rapes occuring everywhere. Fathers and some times even GRANDFATHERS raping the teenage girls at home. High schoolers being raped here and there by people they know and everything.
It's complete and utterly disgusting.
If there really exists a divine power up there hiding behind some clouds, I suggest he/she returns to duty IMMEDIATELY.
PS: There is, however, a death which we can all rejoice on if the reports prove to be true -- that of bin Laden's. Three cheers!!
Sunday, September 24
Idiotic Kidd
You know, it bad enough have to say goodbye once but when you make somebody say goodbye to you twice, you know something is messed up real bad.
Who am I talking about? Well, there's this little girl who goes by the name Mae a.k.a. Kidd.
She's um... average height I guess. Of course, as expected, she's shorter than me. She's really really thin and she has this idea that she's Satan or something weird like that. Oh, and if I remember correctly, her ultimate plan is to wear sunnies in a shopping mall as a sign of coolness.
Sum all those up and what you get is a crazy, fun and extremely smart girl who prefers to utilize her intelligence on twisted stuffs that would bring no light to humanity. Which is fine by me cause all I want is her company.
Anyway, she's leaving for Russia tomorrow so she can freeze her butt off and get drunk and be somebody. Pretty cool plan, right? With all her non-existant insulators I say it would take her 7 layers of clothing or 5 days to become Icekidd. This image of her smirking her weird smrik like a monkey as she freezes to death keeps popping up in my head.
Well, I don't really know what I'm writing about. Just wanted to, you know...
Bah~ whatever.
PS: If you're reading this, maybe you might wanna contemplate stocking up a little more on some fat and meat. You know, you might even get to change your career from Satan to Santa.
Who am I talking about? Well, there's this little girl who goes by the name Mae a.k.a. Kidd.
She's um... average height I guess. Of course, as expected, she's shorter than me. She's really really thin and she has this idea that she's Satan or something weird like that. Oh, and if I remember correctly, her ultimate plan is to wear sunnies in a shopping mall as a sign of coolness.
Sum all those up and what you get is a crazy, fun and extremely smart girl who prefers to utilize her intelligence on twisted stuffs that would bring no light to humanity. Which is fine by me cause all I want is her company.
Anyway, she's leaving for Russia tomorrow so she can freeze her butt off and get drunk and be somebody. Pretty cool plan, right? With all her non-existant insulators I say it would take her 7 layers of clothing or 5 days to become Icekidd. This image of her smirking her weird smrik like a monkey as she freezes to death keeps popping up in my head.
Well, I don't really know what I'm writing about. Just wanted to, you know...
Bah~ whatever.
PS: If you're reading this, maybe you might wanna contemplate stocking up a little more on some fat and meat. You know, you might even get to change your career from Satan to Santa.
Let's say you're driving or piloting (or whatever you call it) a train and you reach a part where you can choose between 2 alternative tracks.
Unfortunately on one track there's a kid playing on the track, on the other track there're 6 grown man. You don't have enough time to break, if you decide not to run any of them over by swerving (if possible) the train some place else you'll risk killing everybody in the train and well, you're running out of time.
So which side would you choose to save. The kid or the adults? Oh, and don't forget to explain why.
Unfortunately on one track there's a kid playing on the track, on the other track there're 6 grown man. You don't have enough time to break, if you decide not to run any of them over by swerving (if possible) the train some place else you'll risk killing everybody in the train and well, you're running out of time.
So which side would you choose to save. The kid or the adults? Oh, and don't forget to explain why.
Wednesday, September 20
So Random It Seems Specific
Do you guys know there's this new Jesus class going on in USA or something that's breeding a whole new batch of religious extremeist or the sorts, only now they're Christians. I know it's strange but apparently, some people thought following the foot steps of those suicide bombers in the Middle East will be a good idea but better yet, instead of teaching teenagers or young adults who are SUPPOSED to be smart enough to think for themselves, these new breed of extremists are targeting children.
Footages from either CNN or BBC (forgot which one I was watching) actually showed these kids who would barely reach my waist swinging their head about as if they're on Ecstasy pills and weaping as they pray or chant some prayer. They even have these (I'm guessing) gospel songs with the kids doing some kung-fu action while singing it.
Believe me I have nothing against other religions but seriously, what the hell are those people thinking? I mean this is literally brain-washing the kids into suicidal maniacs as al-Jaheedah (however you spell it) has proven.
I'm all for Sunday prayers or even all those church visits and activities and stuff like that although I do have some opinions on Mei Ling constantly complaining she's hungry during mass but anyway, I think these religious meetings or whatever you want to call them, regardless of what religion they are, is actually good for us. Everybody needs some guidance in life and where better to get it than from religion right? But come on lah at least have the decency to practice some moderacy and only deploy your sick acts of brainwashing on people who can actually think and fend for themselves.
When I said religion is good, I meant those real religions like Hindu, Muslim and bla bla bla. However, I heard that GOTH is considered a religion in some places where they practice satan worshipping and I bet every sane person who's reading this will have to agree that that's just sick, right? From now on, I'm going to define religion as "Something that can guide you on the right path through out your life when practiced correctly and moderately."
Oh, did you know that to be a goth you have to be rejected by society? How lame is that! I love the goth fashion cause I really like black and all but that condition is just plain stupid. OK, since I'm not a goth so I'll probably be grouped under "Society" in their world, right? So now that I don't reject it but on the contrary, actually like it, does that mean they're going to have to clean out their wardrobe and start looking for new fashion styles?
I would suggest the 70's hippie style or something like Madonna's infamous cone-shaped boobs cause THAT's definitely something that won't catch fire.
Well, to give them some credit though, at least they're calling a rat a rat and admit to worshipping satan instead of a god that seems to be a sadist or something.
I'm sure all of you have heard of the US government tapping the phone-lines and e-mails of the citizens to foil any other attempt of a 9/11 and bla bla bla right?
So anyway, the first thing you have to chop to kill a tree is the roots, right? So these people decided to chop the root of these idiotic terrorist organizations which is the funds they're receiving cause seriously, you don't think their so-called god just drops ammunition from the sky or bin Laden shits rockets out of his ass right? Anyway, the government started monitoring money being transferred about in and out of the country and voila~ they stumbled onto the deepest, darkest secret of us fellow Burmese, illegally transferring money. But of course I'm sure after I've explained the situation to you guys, you'll all agree that it's alright for us to do these things eventhough it's against certain laws.
Anyway, since I'm a kid and this doesn't really concern me so I don't really know the real details about this but anyway, currently in the real world, RM1 converts to about roughly 300kyats, which is the Burmese currency. OK, 300kyats. However, if you use the government, the so-called LEGAL transfer rate, you get maybe say.... 12kyats? Believe me guys, even somebody from Dum-dum Land will be able to make out the huge difference there. So due to this inconvenient factor, most Burmese immigrants who have relatives left in Burma that they have to support will choose to transfer their hard-earned money back home through those illegal-in-terms-of-law guys so there is a lot of money moving under the table across continents. As the US hot-shots were tracking these under-the-table transfers, they stumbled upon the Burmese bee hive and those people who were just helping their countrymen and themselves make a living without causing anybody trouble were arrested.
I don't know if you should call this killing 2 birds with 1 stone or whether those guys are mighty unlucky to be discovered when they weren't even being targeted. Pity.... But I find it very amussing though.
Oh and did you guys know there's this superstition that says seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog?
Quick question. Do hospitals keep black or brown dogs in some special room or something that the workers can go to every few minutes? It would be really unfair if doctors are cursed with bad luck for the rest of their lives just because an ambulance happens to be parked where they work, right?
And I think this superstition is actually ironic cause if you hold your breath hoping for a dog to walk pass but none actually appears, you'll faint from loss of breath and someone will have to call an ambulance to come pick you up!
Footages from either CNN or BBC (forgot which one I was watching) actually showed these kids who would barely reach my waist swinging their head about as if they're on Ecstasy pills and weaping as they pray or chant some prayer. They even have these (I'm guessing) gospel songs with the kids doing some kung-fu action while singing it.
Believe me I have nothing against other religions but seriously, what the hell are those people thinking? I mean this is literally brain-washing the kids into suicidal maniacs as al-Jaheedah (however you spell it) has proven.
I'm all for Sunday prayers or even all those church visits and activities and stuff like that although I do have some opinions on Mei Ling constantly complaining she's hungry during mass but anyway, I think these religious meetings or whatever you want to call them, regardless of what religion they are, is actually good for us. Everybody needs some guidance in life and where better to get it than from religion right? But come on lah at least have the decency to practice some moderacy and only deploy your sick acts of brainwashing on people who can actually think and fend for themselves.
When I said religion is good, I meant those real religions like Hindu, Muslim and bla bla bla. However, I heard that GOTH is considered a religion in some places where they practice satan worshipping and I bet every sane person who's reading this will have to agree that that's just sick, right? From now on, I'm going to define religion as "Something that can guide you on the right path through out your life when practiced correctly and moderately."
Oh, did you know that to be a goth you have to be rejected by society? How lame is that! I love the goth fashion cause I really like black and all but that condition is just plain stupid. OK, since I'm not a goth so I'll probably be grouped under "Society" in their world, right? So now that I don't reject it but on the contrary, actually like it, does that mean they're going to have to clean out their wardrobe and start looking for new fashion styles?
I would suggest the 70's hippie style or something like Madonna's infamous cone-shaped boobs cause THAT's definitely something that won't catch fire.
Well, to give them some credit though, at least they're calling a rat a rat and admit to worshipping satan instead of a god that seems to be a sadist or something.
I'm sure all of you have heard of the US government tapping the phone-lines and e-mails of the citizens to foil any other attempt of a 9/11 and bla bla bla right?
So anyway, the first thing you have to chop to kill a tree is the roots, right? So these people decided to chop the root of these idiotic terrorist organizations which is the funds they're receiving cause seriously, you don't think their so-called god just drops ammunition from the sky or bin Laden shits rockets out of his ass right? Anyway, the government started monitoring money being transferred about in and out of the country and voila~ they stumbled onto the deepest, darkest secret of us fellow Burmese, illegally transferring money. But of course I'm sure after I've explained the situation to you guys, you'll all agree that it's alright for us to do these things eventhough it's against certain laws.
Anyway, since I'm a kid and this doesn't really concern me so I don't really know the real details about this but anyway, currently in the real world, RM1 converts to about roughly 300kyats, which is the Burmese currency. OK, 300kyats. However, if you use the government, the so-called LEGAL transfer rate, you get maybe say.... 12kyats? Believe me guys, even somebody from Dum-dum Land will be able to make out the huge difference there. So due to this inconvenient factor, most Burmese immigrants who have relatives left in Burma that they have to support will choose to transfer their hard-earned money back home through those illegal-in-terms-of-law guys so there is a lot of money moving under the table across continents. As the US hot-shots were tracking these under-the-table transfers, they stumbled upon the Burmese bee hive and those people who were just helping their countrymen and themselves make a living without causing anybody trouble were arrested.
I don't know if you should call this killing 2 birds with 1 stone or whether those guys are mighty unlucky to be discovered when they weren't even being targeted. Pity.... But I find it very amussing though.
Oh and did you guys know there's this superstition that says seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog?
Quick question. Do hospitals keep black or brown dogs in some special room or something that the workers can go to every few minutes? It would be really unfair if doctors are cursed with bad luck for the rest of their lives just because an ambulance happens to be parked where they work, right?
And I think this superstition is actually ironic cause if you hold your breath hoping for a dog to walk pass but none actually appears, you'll faint from loss of breath and someone will have to call an ambulance to come pick you up!
Tuesday, September 19
A Night In The Conversation of Slur vs NY
This is what happened during the debate between me and Slur on the Intelligence Divide Issue.
SM: u're totally discriminating dumb ppl.
if u ostracize them then how da hell r they ever gonna improve??????
they won't die off btw
NY: y not??????
i mean they cant make a living
SM: they'll breed n produce more dumb or probably half half of dumb n smart ppl
NY: hahahahaa. u and ur genes
SM: but it's true
as we all noe ppl last time din hv much 2 do n hence led 2 them producing more n more offsprings
NY: but the smart ppl will take a test, b termed smart and get transported into smart world
and the dumb ones will jz die off
SM: no no. they'll juz breed more n more
NY: they wont have food!!! the smarts wont give em any
SM: it's a discontinual process
SM: as tho they won't be given??
then it'll be against the rule in life
i bet no government will ever agree on dat
NY: if they can fend for themselves so gd for them but since they're dumb they wont b smart enuf (duh~~) to fite the discrimination they receive
SM: naturally dumb ppl r better in fighting for their lives
they r uncouth
n wad ur bro calls those barbarians
thus they're stronger physically
NY: and hence the reason y we're surounded by dum-dums...(=_=)
SM: coz they hv 2 fight 2 survive
it's human instinct
NY: see? the dumbs will jz kill each other during fites!!!
and the smarts will give them loads and loads of drugs
SM: who noes?
they mite all unite n kill da smart ppl coz smart ppl will be having all da food
drugs r illegal
it shudn't be put into consideration here
NY: come on la!!
its like destroying smallpox
im gonna eradicate the world of dumb ppl
SM: maybe u would wanna blog bout our debate here now
NY: i AM blogin bout it d
SM: u can't categorize smallpox n dumb ppl 2gether
small pox is infectious
is being dumb infectious????
if so it simply means smart ppl r dumb 2,if not they would noe how 2 defend their brain cells from dumb-ness
n if u eradicate dumb ppl, smart ppl will be categorized into smarter n less smart
wad is ur actual definition of smart
some ppl can be academically smarter but no logical thinking wadsoever
NY: smart ppl will b the ones who wont support the ruling in england now to ban cops from chasing after bad guys
FOR FEAR that... god forbid the bad guy mite trip over smth while running away and sue the cops
well thats what i heard from my bro
SM: serious
coz i din noe there was such a thing
can they sue lidat?
NY: see? now will u join me in my cause to eradicate ppl like that???
yes i heard they can.
SM: i mean like if u chase me till i trip i can sue u 2
i bet u ask some other dumb ppl in da world oso they won't agree la
NY: and there's also a case where a guy stole a bike and the cops cudnt pursue him cz he wasnt wearing a helmet
so in case he falls down and bla bla bla
SM: maybe dat person who came up with it has some screws loose
NY: have u heard bout the child who sued his/her parents cz he/she went to their party and triped while in their house compound and broke a bone?
SM: nope
wei these ppl r stupid
but i dun c y we shud eradicate them
by eradicating such ppl our lives will utterly mundane with nth 2 spur us 2 argue like wad we're doin now
NY: good point
i guess if following my ideal plan
we wud b grouped under Unmarked
SM: i'm gonna die laughing reading ur bro's blog
his blog bout explosions vs butterflies
damn funny!!!!!
i do agree dat explosions r pretty n they're not evil n dat bombers r da evil ppl but i still dun agree dat butterflies r ugly n diabolical
NY: then what la butterflies are ugly ok??
i mean the caterpillar part
SM: caterpilalr i agree la
but butterflies no la
NY: see? ppl nvr see the root of a problem
is money evil?
why do ppl say it's evil? cz they arent looking at the CAUSE
SM: money is evil
it makes ppl avaricious
thus yes they're evil
but butterflies, how do they harm mankind?
NY: what the????
SM: if u claim they're ugly thus evil then we ma hv 2 kill all da ugly ppl in da world
NY: did u knw come butterflies got toxin on their flaps??????
SM: they'll be an eye sore till smart n pretty ppl dies
NY: nola cz nobody cud posibly b as ugly as caterpilars
SM: dat's for self defence la aunty!!!!
every other animal oso hv self defence mechanism ok
NY: self-defence then u killing me for touching your excess meat with a high insulator-ratio will also b considered self defence la
Anyway, i aint saying we shud kill butterflies or smth
we have to save our resources for the dum-dum plan
SM: aunty!!! dat's coz i dun feel intimidated by it
NY: im jz sugesting we genetically alter them so they skip the caterpilar stage.
SM: u're totally discriminating dumb ppl.
if u ostracize them then how da hell r they ever gonna improve??????
they won't die off btw
NY: y not??????
i mean they cant make a living
SM: they'll breed n produce more dumb or probably half half of dumb n smart ppl
NY: hahahahaa. u and ur genes
SM: but it's true
as we all noe ppl last time din hv much 2 do n hence led 2 them producing more n more offsprings
NY: but the smart ppl will take a test, b termed smart and get transported into smart world
and the dumb ones will jz die off
SM: no no. they'll juz breed more n more
NY: they wont have food!!! the smarts wont give em any
SM: it's a discontinual process
SM: as tho they won't be given??
then it'll be against the rule in life
i bet no government will ever agree on dat
NY: if they can fend for themselves so gd for them but since they're dumb they wont b smart enuf (duh~~) to fite the discrimination they receive
SM: naturally dumb ppl r better in fighting for their lives
they r uncouth
n wad ur bro calls those barbarians
thus they're stronger physically
NY: and hence the reason y we're surounded by dum-dums...(=_=)
SM: coz they hv 2 fight 2 survive
it's human instinct
NY: see? the dumbs will jz kill each other during fites!!!
and the smarts will give them loads and loads of drugs
SM: who noes?
they mite all unite n kill da smart ppl coz smart ppl will be having all da food
drugs r illegal
it shudn't be put into consideration here
NY: come on la!!
its like destroying smallpox
im gonna eradicate the world of dumb ppl
SM: maybe u would wanna blog bout our debate here now
NY: i AM blogin bout it d
SM: u can't categorize smallpox n dumb ppl 2gether
small pox is infectious
is being dumb infectious????
if so it simply means smart ppl r dumb 2,if not they would noe how 2 defend their brain cells from dumb-ness
n if u eradicate dumb ppl, smart ppl will be categorized into smarter n less smart
wad is ur actual definition of smart
some ppl can be academically smarter but no logical thinking wadsoever
NY: smart ppl will b the ones who wont support the ruling in england now to ban cops from chasing after bad guys
FOR FEAR that... god forbid the bad guy mite trip over smth while running away and sue the cops
well thats what i heard from my bro
SM: serious
coz i din noe there was such a thing
can they sue lidat?
NY: see? now will u join me in my cause to eradicate ppl like that???
yes i heard they can.
SM: i mean like if u chase me till i trip i can sue u 2
i bet u ask some other dumb ppl in da world oso they won't agree la
NY: and there's also a case where a guy stole a bike and the cops cudnt pursue him cz he wasnt wearing a helmet
so in case he falls down and bla bla bla
SM: maybe dat person who came up with it has some screws loose
NY: have u heard bout the child who sued his/her parents cz he/she went to their party and triped while in their house compound and broke a bone?
SM: nope
wei these ppl r stupid
but i dun c y we shud eradicate them
by eradicating such ppl our lives will utterly mundane with nth 2 spur us 2 argue like wad we're doin now
NY: good point
i guess if following my ideal plan
we wud b grouped under Unmarked
SM: i'm gonna die laughing reading ur bro's blog
his blog bout explosions vs butterflies
damn funny!!!!!
i do agree dat explosions r pretty n they're not evil n dat bombers r da evil ppl but i still dun agree dat butterflies r ugly n diabolical
NY: then what la butterflies are ugly ok??
i mean the caterpillar part
SM: caterpilalr i agree la
but butterflies no la
NY: see? ppl nvr see the root of a problem
is money evil?
why do ppl say it's evil? cz they arent looking at the CAUSE
SM: money is evil
it makes ppl avaricious
thus yes they're evil
but butterflies, how do they harm mankind?
NY: what the????
SM: if u claim they're ugly thus evil then we ma hv 2 kill all da ugly ppl in da world
NY: did u knw come butterflies got toxin on their flaps??????
SM: they'll be an eye sore till smart n pretty ppl dies
NY: nola cz nobody cud posibly b as ugly as caterpilars
SM: dat's for self defence la aunty!!!!
every other animal oso hv self defence mechanism ok
NY: self-defence then u killing me for touching your excess meat with a high insulator-ratio will also b considered self defence la
Anyway, i aint saying we shud kill butterflies or smth
we have to save our resources for the dum-dum plan
SM: aunty!!! dat's coz i dun feel intimidated by it
NY: im jz sugesting we genetically alter them so they skip the caterpilar stage.
Embrace Division To Produce Unity
I read my bro's blog on race and stability and a lot of other stuffs that I normally wouldn't give my 2 cents (or 0.1 cents for that matter) to but while writing him a comment, I was struck by a revelation!
Before you read this post, you might wanna read his first.
Race, & Culture yada yada yada...
So, he talked about race and culture dividing people and its uses. Well let me talk about the ideal system of dividing.
Say goodbye, sayonara or anything that can be defined as "never gonna see you again" to the barriers caused by religion, the degree of pigmentation of your skin, the shades of you hair or which continent (or ocean) you were born on.
In my very un-humble opinion, we should all embrace a system, a rule, a law for that matter, where everybody will be categorized by intelligence.
Well, if we're going to logically push this idea with plausible reasons to substantiate it and also make it a global issue, we're probably going to need a system that goes beyond and reaches deeper in than the IQ test way of defining our intelligence but as such a test have yet to be formed, I'll just have to use the IQ test as an example for now.
As the IQ test goes, anybody with a test score below 100 is considered "Below Average" or in politically correct terms, "Mentally Unique". But of course, ostracizing people just because they're a little bit below the IQ of 100 is a little too strict so I would propose anybody with a test score below 75 to be shipped off to "Dum-dum Land".
Then there will also be a place called The Smarts where people with IQ above 140 will live. Unlike the Dum-dums who will be confined to the island they're placed in, the Smarts will of course be allowed to venture outside of The Smarts to mate or stuff like that but of course everybody except scientists are prohibited from entering Dum-dum Land. I won't go into why scientists are allowed entry as it will probably raise a lot of human rights issues....
Anyway, the rest of the world that aint marked as The Smarts or Dum-dum Land will be renamed into some other stuffs where people there are allowed to stay inside that unmarked area and allowed entry into The Smarts with permission.
Mind you, I aint so dumb to judge people solely by the level of intelligence they have. I happen to be writing this out with a certain degree of seriousness so I did some thinking on how people shold be judged: by the level of usefulness.
Well, didn't I just say we should divide by intelligence? My reasoning is even if you're really smart but is a druggie who gets high even before Mr. Sun reaches its maximum point or get wasted everynight until you think it's normal for people to have double vision then you might as well buy a ticket to Dum-dum Land now. I don't care if your IQ is as high as Albert Einstein's, you can't work for humanity, you won't be a part of humanity.
On the other hand, those people who are very dilligent but don't even know the answer to "1+1" can follow Mr. Useless-Joe in the ticket-booking area too because what use could you possibly be? And the rest of the population who do stupid things like get cheated by bomohs or think it's alright for a government funded airline to but RM60 nasi lemaks should get in line too.
By the way, in case you guys don't know anything about the RM60 incident... Well, word is that a certain national airline pays RM60 for a single pack of nasi lemak whereas the rest of the Malaysian citizens pay rounghly RM2 or maybe at most RM20+ (at Dome). Why am I so concerned bout it? Every time that airline suffers a lost the government has to pump the tax-payers money to cover it up. F 'em all!!!
Anyway, I was chatting with Slur bout this issue and thought I might as well put up the debate we were having. I think Slur's just against this idea cause I was the one who came up with it....*muttering under my breath*
On second thought, I'll post it under something else cause it turned out to be quite long.
Before you read this post, you might wanna read his first.
Race, & Culture yada yada yada...
So, he talked about race and culture dividing people and its uses. Well let me talk about the ideal system of dividing.
Say goodbye, sayonara or anything that can be defined as "never gonna see you again" to the barriers caused by religion, the degree of pigmentation of your skin, the shades of you hair or which continent (or ocean) you were born on.
In my very un-humble opinion, we should all embrace a system, a rule, a law for that matter, where everybody will be categorized by intelligence.
Well, if we're going to logically push this idea with plausible reasons to substantiate it and also make it a global issue, we're probably going to need a system that goes beyond and reaches deeper in than the IQ test way of defining our intelligence but as such a test have yet to be formed, I'll just have to use the IQ test as an example for now.
As the IQ test goes, anybody with a test score below 100 is considered "Below Average" or in politically correct terms, "Mentally Unique". But of course, ostracizing people just because they're a little bit below the IQ of 100 is a little too strict so I would propose anybody with a test score below 75 to be shipped off to "Dum-dum Land".
Then there will also be a place called The Smarts where people with IQ above 140 will live. Unlike the Dum-dums who will be confined to the island they're placed in, the Smarts will of course be allowed to venture outside of The Smarts to mate or stuff like that but of course everybody except scientists are prohibited from entering Dum-dum Land. I won't go into why scientists are allowed entry as it will probably raise a lot of human rights issues....
Anyway, the rest of the world that aint marked as The Smarts or Dum-dum Land will be renamed into some other stuffs where people there are allowed to stay inside that unmarked area and allowed entry into The Smarts with permission.
Mind you, I aint so dumb to judge people solely by the level of intelligence they have. I happen to be writing this out with a certain degree of seriousness so I did some thinking on how people shold be judged: by the level of usefulness.
Well, didn't I just say we should divide by intelligence? My reasoning is even if you're really smart but is a druggie who gets high even before Mr. Sun reaches its maximum point or get wasted everynight until you think it's normal for people to have double vision then you might as well buy a ticket to Dum-dum Land now. I don't care if your IQ is as high as Albert Einstein's, you can't work for humanity, you won't be a part of humanity.
On the other hand, those people who are very dilligent but don't even know the answer to "1+1" can follow Mr. Useless-Joe in the ticket-booking area too because what use could you possibly be? And the rest of the population who do stupid things like get cheated by bomohs or think it's alright for a government funded airline to but RM60 nasi lemaks should get in line too.
By the way, in case you guys don't know anything about the RM60 incident... Well, word is that a certain national airline pays RM60 for a single pack of nasi lemak whereas the rest of the Malaysian citizens pay rounghly RM2 or maybe at most RM20+ (at Dome). Why am I so concerned bout it? Every time that airline suffers a lost the government has to pump the tax-payers money to cover it up. F 'em all!!!
Anyway, I was chatting with Slur bout this issue and thought I might as well put up the debate we were having. I think Slur's just against this idea cause I was the one who came up with it....*muttering under my breath*
On second thought, I'll post it under something else cause it turned out to be quite long.
Sunday, September 10
If you are you, then who am I?

Anne of Green Gables
I was watching Honey & Clover just now on Animax and well, the characters said some things that resonated deeply with what I'm (and most probably you guys too) are going and growing through so I thought I'd write them out. Some of the words are directly taken from the anime so don't give me credit for it.
Today is Today
The strange thing about the present is it's always there. At least we think it's always there when we're still young and deluded. Time might be flying by like a supersonic jet but for me, I'm living in the moment and I'll continue living until it stops.
Today is today, and most of the time I forget that it's closely followed by tomorrow. And just like tomorrow always creeps in to take today's place, the future will someday replace the present.
The day when we start working and living out our lives seems to faraway right now, it's almost like a mirage that fades away as you near it. But one day you will see the real thing, and you will walk up to it and touch it. There will come a day when what you see will no longer be a mirage.
How will I feel when that happens? Will I embrace it and live it as I am living my life now? Will I run away, refuse to grow up and reminisce about a yesterday that will never come back?
And So It Happens
We look at the adults around us right now and wonder who we'd grow up to be. Will I be responsible? Will I have regrets? Will I do things that will make the people I love proud? I will be a dissapointment to everyone? Most importantly, will I ever grow up?
And while we're going through all these thoughts, we often forget that 10 years ago, those adults had the same feelings we had. The doubts, the fears, the restlessness of youth and the immature habit of not letting go.
As we forget that adults were once kids, we also forget that we will one day become adults. 10 years later, the next generation of 18-year-olds will look at us and wonder all the things we're pondering through now. 10 years from now, the kids will forget that we were once just like them.
But can we really blame them for doing so? I wonder if when I'm 30, will I still remember what happened to me today... Or this year? Will I still think of the friends I have now with a warm and fuzzy feeling? Will we still be there in another 12 years?
Time is flowing like the sand in an hourglass. Never waiting for anyone, never stopping until our last breath leaves our body. Maybe in 15 years time, I won't even remember that I used to be a kid too.
Just Like A Butterfly
We all have dreams. And hopes. And wants. But I've never been brave enough to fight for it.
Standing back when given the opportunity to work for something I want, I let it go all because I didn't want to fight.
No. That is a lie. I let it go not because I don't want to fight. I let it go because I don't dare to fight.
Win said in one of her post about a girl dreaming of wearing a tiara and waving fluffy pom-poms in a cheerleader uniform but always feeling it will never happen to her. But she grew up and it DID happen to her, and she realized that although some things might seems improbable, all it takes is just the first step forward.
So what happens when you never take that small little step? What happens when someone extends his/her hand to crown you with a tiara and yet you push that well-meaning hand away? What happens when you're so blinded by fear of your own abilities that although it's just a small step on level ground, you see it as a free-falling plunge into eternal darkness and you shy away from what life gives you?
And how do you overcome that fear? Will I ever?
Hei Winnie, ain't it strange that you're only 6 months older than me and yet you're standing somewhere so far ahead that I can barely see you? I guess I'm still wondering if I'll ever grow up fast enough to be where you are right now, and at the same time resisting the forces that are pushing me there because I'm unwilling to stop being a useless bratty kid without the worries of adulthood.
I'm not saying you're an adult. I'm just saying that I admire your ability to grow up.
"I see. He has a dream and a goal, and he's working towards it without any fear or doubt. He's so mature, I guess he's already an adult."
Ayumi Yamada
Standing with reluctant feet, where the brook and river meet.
Rummer Godden in "The Greengage Summer"
PS: I advice anybody with free time to watch Honey & Clover because it's a really really good anime.
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