Wednesday, September 20

So Random It Seems Specific

Do you guys know there's this new Jesus class going on in USA or something that's breeding a whole new batch of religious extremeist or the sorts, only now they're Christians. I know it's strange but apparently, some people thought following the foot steps of those suicide bombers in the Middle East will be a good idea but better yet, instead of teaching teenagers or young adults who are SUPPOSED to be smart enough to think for themselves, these new breed of extremists are targeting children.
Footages from either CNN or BBC (forgot which one I was watching) actually showed these kids who would barely reach my waist swinging their head about as if they're on Ecstasy pills and weaping as they pray or chant some prayer. They even have these (I'm guessing) gospel songs with the kids doing some kung-fu action while singing it.
Believe me I have nothing against other religions but seriously, what the hell are those people thinking? I mean this is literally brain-washing the kids into suicidal maniacs as al-Jaheedah (however you spell it) has proven.
I'm all for Sunday prayers or even all those church visits and activities and stuff like that although I do have some opinions on Mei Ling constantly complaining she's hungry during mass but anyway, I think these religious meetings or whatever you want to call them, regardless of what religion they are, is actually good for us. Everybody needs some guidance in life and where better to get it than from religion right? But come on lah at least have the decency to practice some moderacy and only deploy your sick acts of brainwashing on people who can actually think and fend for themselves.
When I said religion is good, I meant those real religions like Hindu, Muslim and bla bla bla. However, I heard that GOTH is considered a religion in some places where they practice satan worshipping and I bet every sane person who's reading this will have to agree that that's just sick, right? From now on, I'm going to define religion as "Something that can guide you on the right path through out your life when practiced correctly and moderately."
Oh, did you know that to be a goth you have to be rejected by society? How lame is that! I love the goth fashion cause I really like black and all but that condition is just plain stupid. OK, since I'm not a goth so I'll probably be grouped under "Society" in their world, right? So now that I don't reject it but on the contrary, actually like it, does that mean they're going to have to clean out their wardrobe and start looking for new fashion styles?
I would suggest the 70's hippie style or something like Madonna's infamous cone-shaped boobs cause THAT's definitely something that won't catch fire.
Well, to give them some credit though, at least they're calling a rat a rat and admit to worshipping satan instead of a god that seems to be a sadist or something.
I'm sure all of you have heard of the US government tapping the phone-lines and e-mails of the citizens to foil any other attempt of a 9/11 and bla bla bla right?
So anyway, the first thing you have to chop to kill a tree is the roots, right? So these people decided to chop the root of these idiotic terrorist organizations which is the funds they're receiving cause seriously, you don't think their so-called god just drops ammunition from the sky or bin Laden shits rockets out of his ass right? Anyway, the government started monitoring money being transferred about in and out of the country and voila~ they stumbled onto the deepest, darkest secret of us fellow Burmese, illegally transferring money. But of course I'm sure after I've explained the situation to you guys, you'll all agree that it's alright for us to do these things eventhough it's against certain laws.
Anyway, since I'm a kid and this doesn't really concern me so I don't really know the real details about this but anyway, currently in the real world, RM1 converts to about roughly 300kyats, which is the Burmese currency. OK, 300kyats. However, if you use the government, the so-called LEGAL transfer rate, you get maybe say.... 12kyats? Believe me guys, even somebody from Dum-dum Land will be able to make out the huge difference there. So due to this inconvenient factor, most Burmese immigrants who have relatives left in Burma that they have to support will choose to transfer their hard-earned money back home through those illegal-in-terms-of-law guys so there is a lot of money moving under the table across continents. As the US hot-shots were tracking these under-the-table transfers, they stumbled upon the Burmese bee hive and those people who were just helping their countrymen and themselves make a living without causing anybody trouble were arrested.
I don't know if you should call this killing 2 birds with 1 stone or whether those guys are mighty unlucky to be discovered when they weren't even being targeted. Pity.... But I find it very amussing though.
Oh and did you guys know there's this superstition that says seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog?
Quick question. Do hospitals keep black or brown dogs in some special room or something that the workers can go to every few minutes? It would be really unfair if doctors are cursed with bad luck for the rest of their lives just because an ambulance happens to be parked where they work, right?
And I think this superstition is actually ironic cause if you hold your breath hoping for a dog to walk pass but none actually appears, you'll faint from loss of breath and someone will have to call an ambulance to come pick you up!


Anonymous said...

Came over your blog and totally disgusted..! You r a total biatch I will say. Commenting about religions like N-O-B-O-D-Y care. And what about this stupid f**kin unity thingy. If you really "smart", then I suppose you wont be blogging about all this. Huh, divide dumb and smart? Helloo.....who will be cleaning the toilet? Who will be serving you food in restaurant? Who will be the odd workers in this world? Stupid..! I bet you are one of those who thinks they are smart and manage get good result in school but have no feelings of any other thing. Just living this world on your parents money and don't know the real world. I wonder how your parents brought you up. If you are really smart, be independent. Okay? Then lets talk about it. Just being smart is not good enough. Have some feelings and stop hating people or looking down at people. So, f*ck off u stupid biatch. Get alive. Stupid wanabe-smart-ass. Yuks.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I suggest u sit for an IQ test...

Niyi said...

(=.=) if only i got good results in class...
well, i was thinking we'll have robots and machines doing those clean toilets pick up trash kinda jobs for us. and you knw someday we wont even have to drive a car anymore unless in the F1 circuit or smth, ill all be automated.
and if you tot i was commenting bout religion, u muz fall under the extremist group i was talking bout so which wud make u a potential suicide bomber... now thats a scary tot.
for starters, truly religious ppl who practice it for a good cause will not b intimidated by such meaningless remarks. like a fren (who's a christian btw)said, everybody have their own perspective.
this is mine, you can have yours.

Niyi said...

to the anonymous,
1. i mite b every crude remark u said i am, at least hiding my identity, sissy boy/girl~
2. i guez i do rely on my parents' money a lot but well, they're there for me rite? i am independent, jz not financially.
3. its get A LIFE, not get alive... cz if i aint alive i tink u shud start peeing in ur pants now.
4. i aint a wanabe, i nvr said im smart. and ive nvr called a specific person stupid either. din ur mom tell u its rude?
5. my parents brought me up pretty well i guez, i have manners and dn run around dropping profanities like there's no tmr.


Anonymous said...

I knew you woulda type that. Thought so. Typical of people like you, who can't stop themself from finding faults and excuses. Big deal.


Anonymous said...

it's her freaking blog.
she can write whatsoever she wants.
it's a free country.
plus. what gives you the right to judge Her and her comments?
ARE you god?
Even if you make it seem you are one level above her, why are you so bothered about what she says?

Niyi said...

argh, by even suggesting that this dude is a level above me is insulting me! (=.=)
again, it's themSELVES. and aren't you just finding faults in me too?

Anonymous said...

HER? I thought it was HE's blog.

Niyi said...

ok, i'll buy you a ticket to Dum-dum Land rite away. oh, i bet you're someone i know. diz make u a bigger coward~ gosh the quality of men around us is really dropping faster than lead wud sink in oil.
1st u called me a bi**tch in ur first comment and now u say u tink im a "he".
cool, which part of the devil wearing a skirt in my picture don't u understand.

Anonymous said...

i suggest da unwelcomed visitor juz put a full stop. wrong usage of english n then covering up by saying u knew it is bad enuf. then u call her a biatch n later act like u din noe she's a gal. i dun understand y r u putting urself thru such great humiliation.

it's her blog, if u wanna criticise, give constructive criticism. u hv better ideas, show it in a diplomatic way. if u can't, simple, juz dun visit this site. nobody pointed a gun on ur head n made u do so. profanities doesn't give u a firmer stand. it shows immaturity and proves we're definitely of different level. causing a mayhem here will oni make u appear foolish. u dunno her, dun judge. n yes, she is 1 smart gal n a filial daughter. i noe her, so i tell u.


Niyi said...

*blushing* my slurrie said im smart!! (0^_^)0 *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Fvckin snobbishh people...! Glad I don't meet people like you in reality... Bye Dyke.
p/s: Dont bother replying. I wont be visitin' anymore.

Niyi said...

finally, the bugger is gone~

Anonymous said...


as tho we replied coz we wanted dat person around. ppl who thinks 2 highly of themselves.
