Tuesday, March 4

Baby You Have Become My Addiction

Wanna know what I've been up to lately? Haha, basically. I haven't been saving lives.
I had all my scripts written out you know. I would go to medic school, be smart and suddenly while I was walking down some street one day, some one will suddenly have this medical emergency then I'd go like "Come with me if you want to live."
And in all those scenes I was cool as ice. Unfortunately, as each day passes by, the chances of someone suddenly facing a medical condition (which I would actually know how to cure) near me seems to be getting thinner. Well, they were thin from the very start. It was just my bloated head popping up and down.
Instead of doing a lumbar puncture or drilling someone's skull, I've been stuck (happily) doing these....
That's my PCL group learning how to wear gloves. EXACTLY! I was thinking "Dude! We're medic students! Do you honestly think we don't know how to wear gloves?"
Turns out, we don't. OK, at least I don't. I should just crawl into some deep dark hole and curl up into a ball or something. Again, my big fat bloated head. It must be water retention or something (I don't really know what that means exactly but I keep hearing women complaining about it).
Then this is us with our surgical gowns and masks on. The lady not wearing the ugly suit is our very friendly tutor, Ms Amritha. OK, I don't know how to spell her name but it's the thought that counts RIGHT?!
Aren't we cool? Haha. I didn't save any lives (yet) but the classes are fun and the company is amazing. Especially my PCL group. Who knew a bunch of nerds could actually be so cool right?
And here are some random pictures of what I'm doing when I'm not playing dress-up.
This is my idiot brother playing dress-up (now it's his turn!). He's actually pretending to be a robber sneaking into the toilet.... Huh?!
This is one of my um.... "smart" friends, Christine Hung. The hand you see at the front there is Reb's. Yvonne was actually supposed to be sitting next to Christine but then that slur (yes guys, there's another slur!) just walked out when I was taking the pic. Idiot.
Anyway, I guess that's all.
Doesn't this like a bimbo post? Gosh I'm so proud.

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