Sunday, March 2

Everybody's Got A Drug Dealer On Speed Dial

Yay!! I think I might be going back to Penang soon. My big bro came to stay with us for the weekend and just went back a while ago.
I went out with my high school friends just now to meet up with Wai Cheng who came back from India for the hols. You know what the funny thing is?
I was sitting there surrounded by a bunch of people I barely talked to when we were still in the same school. I don't think I've even talked to two of them before!
What amazed me was that the people whom I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life hanging out with are miles and miles away. I guess life really doesn't turn out the way you expect it to.
And another thing is that WC, who's like the nicest most.. um... less-likely to be "adventurous" person I know, now has a tattoo the size of a palm whereas I'm still keeping my body un-holed and squeeky clean until now.
Anyway, just keeping things updated here.

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