Monday, March 17

Elections Stars Start Running

Elections have started! No, I'm not an idiot.
I didn't mean the national election or any of those big craps, I meant the election for our MUMedS and class reps. MUMedS stand for Monash University Medical Society and I think like probably 99% of the class joins it or something. I think! So I guess choosing a MUMedS rep basically means choosing the face of our year or something. As for the class rep, he /she is just something like the class monitors plus treasurer we had back in high school. Doing all the dirty jobs and stuff. Don't know why anyone would want to run for that though.
I don't think electing a class rep is that big of a deal but then since we're having an election week for MUMedS, I guess some people just thought we should do something like that for the class rep too. I think Ali wants to be both.
Anyway, back in high school we had um... "elections" where we would shout out some one's name and then force everyone else to put up their hands to elect that person. But here, it seems like a whole new level! People are giving speeches (one of them scripted) and doing campaigns (kinda) and already trying to proof their worth by organising stuffs (now this I can really appreciate).
As for the speech. Haha. Let the picture say it all.
OK, I started this post yesterday but got cut off here cause my internet went down. Bloody Streamyx. Now where was I? Oh, OK. The one laughing on the left is Jeremy and the guy on the left is Ali. No offence dude but I seriously have never met any one named Ali and I find it very funny cause Ali is the name of choice when I had to construct sentences back in primary school. So popular! The girl trying to be Avril (puke!.. kidding!) in the middle is JC, from my PCL group.
Anyway, the hand protruding from the lower right corner of the picture and totally spoiling the whole setting belongs to Matt.
This is how I take notes. I'm not being lazy. As a modern day (future) doctor, we must learn to utilize all the technology that is present and that will soon come out. This is me maximizing the uses of my handphone.
Oh, this is totally random. This is a view of TPS's room from TPS's bed. That guy sitting in front of the computer being hardworking is apparently someone who likes TPS or something and she's using him to get her tracing done. For your info, he was the only one who was actually doing work in that room.
They look alike don't they? Reb and Chris are so going to hate me for posting such an ugly picture of them. Oh, I suddenly remembered something. Last time when we were Google-ing them up, we couldn't find their names so maybe I should write their whole name here jsut for the sake of it. OK, here goes. REBECCA NG HAW VON and CHRISTINE HOUNG CHUI TING.
Shit, I don't know their surnames. I guess that's correct though. Anyway let me tell you a little something about these useless two. There I was in a total mess after going all the way to Kamal (which is near Hospital Kuala Lumpur) to buy some books and naturally we got very lost and exhausted. And see what they're doing while I was so busy driving and bringing us back to the arms of civilisation?! They were being freaking pigs!
Again, this is totally random but this is the picture of my favourite kid back when I was working at the kindergarten.


Jess said...

eh the way you take notes! I should friggin learn!! because my seminar leader does not post the slides. Rather than typing away everything, I shall just take a picture of every slide and focus on what she's saying!

Thanks! haha

Niyi said...

hahahaha, we all know i'm very helpful. i'm like mother theresa or smth, only cooler.