Tuesday, May 16

Horrible, Terrible, Miserable

I learnt the above title from Suesan. It's just 3 stupid words but I never ever used all 3 of them in succession like that before so when I first heard her say it, I was really like some stone-age caveman coming across a TV for the first time and couldn't stop saying it for at least 3 days!! I guess this is what Farhan means by "perak", but nonetheless, those 3 words are put to good use now as I've chosen it to be the title of my poem.
"Poem? What poem? I never knew Niyi is poetic!"
Ha-di-haha! But yes, I wrote a seemingly meaningless poem for the GP homework and I think I did OK, seeing that I used less than half an hour in a place surrounded by monkeys who can't seem to talk enough. Yes Lunch Gang, I referring to y'all! Anyway, here it is.

Order and habit are so mundane
Regularity is seriously too lame
I feel I might just go insane
In a moment or two I'll have fame
For being the girl who lost her brain
Reciting the story of Abel and Kane.

Or maybe I'll run amok

Slashing the throats of all the stock
Covered with blood, I'll jump off a rock
While calling Homer a "big fat pork"
Wearing Versace as my favourite smock
On my feet there'll be comfy Crocs.

In a courtroom of jesters they'll sit and stare
The jury of my peers will judge me fair
Upon those innocent faces I'll stand and glare
I'll pull a straight face to say "If you dare,
put your best foot forward and be a man.
Jump off a cliff now come on, show some flair!"

(GP assignment)

For your info, this poem does have some meanings though they aren't too obvious, at least to me there is.

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