Sunday, May 28

My Mom Is Right

....I DO spend too much time in front of the computer, most of the time blogging. Well, it isn't too surprising that my mom is right because... Moms are supposed to know best right? But.. ah, well.... Let's just say due to a series of unsynchronized opinions, I can't quite come to terms with 98.9997% of what my mom says. I would tell you all that most of the time, my obstinacy is justified by logical and rational thinking but you guys would just nod and go "Uh huh, that's what they all say." then the very moment I turn my head all of you will shake your heads, give out a deep long sigh and say "Kids, they're just too stubborn for their own good."
Yeah well, I don't give a damn!!
OK, fine, I admit, I AM stubborn. But believe me, it runs in the family. My parents can be stubborn as hell when they want to so don't blame me, blame the genes. You want to see hard-headedness? Take a look at my dad. Well, in his case the situation is made worse by the oh-so-famous male ego. Never giving up on any issue once he has set his mind on it, this is a man who would end all arguments with a simple sentence : "You're just too stupid to be able to think on my level."
Talk about unsupportive parents....
Anyway, I was talking about computers and me. A few days ago I thought "What?!? I don't waste my life in front of the computer!! Fine, I'll just have to prove her wrong... again!" and decided to go the whole day without even switching on the computer. By 9p.m. that day, I've finished surfing through all the Astro channels my house subscribes to, read the paper back and forth and ate as much junk food as I would allow myself in a day, and I was getting really, REALLY bored.
By 9.30p.m., I've done all mini-exercises I can think off that won't make me sweat too much and took a bath. By 9.31p.m., it was lights-out for me.
Serious, if I cut out all my dilly-dallying, my day without a computer officially ends at around 8.50p.m.
OK, fine, maybe I spend too much time in front of the computer but I don't WASTE my life on blogging and chatting. So on day 2, I set out once again to prove her wrong.
On that day, I switched on the computer but took absolute care to disable MSN Messenger and not go to any blog page. It all went quite well, actually. With a little determination, a lot can be achieved. In the end, I spent a great many hours playing Minesweeper and O2Jamming. Really, I played Minesweeper for a whole 3 hour time period without rest or time-out. Time of sleep? 11p.m.
Fine, maybe the only 2 things I do on the computer are blog and chat... But what's wrong with that, right? It's not like the whole world is waiting for me to govern them or something, and it is only my college year and it's not like my whole future is depending on this moment, right? I mean, this is like ONLY the year that would determine whether I get into Medic or not.... Fine, scrap all that. OK, college IS important. currently out of words to defend myself.....
You know, things weren't always like this. There was actually a time when my life was meaningful. To think those times are only 5 months away... How tragic..
Back in high school, my schedule was practically full with things to do, albeit the fact that they weren't all useful things, but at least it was still full, right? My time management went something like this :
6a.m. : Wake up.
7a.m. : Leave house for school while wearing shoes and having breakfast on car to avoid being late.
7.20a.m. - 10+a.m. : Find some way to pass the time.
10+a.m. - 11+a.m. : Break time! Yeah, baby~!
11+a.m. - 1.15p.m. / 2p.m. : Find other ways to pass time. Go home.
2.15p.m. : Leave for tuition or activity that most probably starts at 2. I had this tiny little problem of being late some times... Most of the time... Alright! ALL THE TIME! There, happy?!
2.30p.m. - 4.30p.m. : Sleep or snack until tuition finishes / Take attendance at activity then perform Houdini's trick of disappearance.
4.30p.m. - 8p.m. : Go for sports activity, mostly basketball, some times athletics, some times handball. Burn my skin in the process.
8p.m. - 10p.m. : Go home, have dinner, shower, loiter in front of a TV 90% of the days and sit in front of a computer 10% of the days.
10+p.m. : Find other ways to occupy my time, i.e.: SMS, read newspaper. Pretend to be busy in my study but actually just thinking of ways to minimize my bag's weight. Sleep.
Given that I didn't have much time for study and other student activities, but my days were full!!! Plus, I created many many ways to reduce the size and weigh of my school bag within those few years. I researched and realized that we most probably only have to bring the following items to school :
1) Bag. (like duh~)
2) Pencil box (Content : 1 red pen, 1 blue pen, 1 black pen (all in working condition, do I have to spell everything out for you?), 1 mechanical pencil, 1 short ruler, 1 eraser. Don't bring extra lead, it'll just add like 7 nano-grams to your bag.)
3) 1 multi-purpose notebook. (Mine is filled with magazine pictures of all the celebrities I like, mostly Avril, and a calendar for all the sporting events of the year.)
4) Calculator. (again, duh~!)
5) Handphone.
End of list. Yes, that's all you really need. Trust me!! Most of the time your teacher won't use a textbook and even if she does, just go borrow it from another class (helps you socialize). And all those exercise books are just a waste, I mean like, what are the chances you're even gonna pass up your homework? 5%? So might as well tell the teacher you forgot your book. Not like it's the end of the world or something. Seriously, trust me and try it. It works!
But the funny thing is, eventhough my beg was light as hell, I'm still kind of short (*sob sob*). People say a heavy backpack is what's stunting the growth of our generation but a light bag doesn't help that much either... I've been shammed!!
In stead of being tall and lanky, now I'm short and have extremely weak shoulder muscles. I'm even gonna go one step further and say the under-development of my shoulder muscles are somehow connected to my brain's short attention-span, inconceivably poor memory and its lack of activity. Look at MShern, his bag weighs as much as Ruben and he's smart as hell! And look at me! I can barely sit still, I talk without thinking (non-stop, mind you) and my attention-span is basically equal to that of a hyperactive monkey's. Seriously, even normal monkeys will have a hard time keeping up with me.
OK, so.... What did I start writing this post for? I seem to have covered so many topics that aren't inter-connected in such a short time frame. Again, short attention span and barely-there memory.


Jess said...

NO INTERNET NO LIFE!!! but ive been clean of gossip blogs for almost a month.. now i dont know what colour lindsay lohan's hair colour is.. on which baby is britney bearing and on whether tom cruise is already in a mental institution..

but i have to admit.. no msn no blogs no life!!!

Pat Kesonsukhon said...

We survived a life without msn and blogs before we discovered them...just that it's a life at home shut from the world. Maybe that just added one more question to life...What's more to life then and blogs. LOL

And I totally agree with you how stuborness comes with the genes...but parents just never seem to realize it.

Computers makes us gain more then they think...just because they don't know how to operate it or use the mechine to it's full purpose doesn't mean they can assume it's wasting life away.

You had less time to be online back in highschool?
We din have anytime to come online back there...I've never been so free to come online like this all the time.

Niyi said...

Jess : totally agree!! no MSN no blog no life!!! i tot lindsay is still blonde and brit is with a 2nd child n tom seems to b getting a lot of interviews.. (not that i like to gossip)

pat : it's not that i had less time to on9 during high sch, it's jz i found no need or joy in going on9.