*Note: This is NOT a movie by Gurmit Singh and is NOT about that movie either.*
MS was telling me today about some stupid laws around the world and he said something about... wait... I can't remember! Dang! The one I forgot is really funny but there's also another law in some part of the world that says you are not allowed to tie your giraffe on a telephone pole. Yeah, like I'll be walking down the street one day and I'll go "Oh hei MS, check out my giraffe~~" and MS would go "Oooohhh!! He's so cute~!" while pinching its cheek *roll eyes 10 million times around the world*.
Anyway, what he said got me interested in these stupiak laws so I decided to Google it up and hooola~
1) United States - Alabama:
i) Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death. (And now they're complaining bout countries who give the death sentence to drug traffickers?!)
ii) Keeping an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time is a crime. (First of all, is the offender wearing reaaaaally baggy pants? Or do smashed-up pieces of what used to be a cone count as well?)
2) Baldwin Park: California: Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool. Uh huh....
3) Sweden: Prostitution is legal but it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute.
4) Switzerland: It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 PM. (Saving water while spicing up he aroma of the neighbourhood perhaps?)
5) Philippines: Cars whose license plates end with a 1 or 2 are not allowed on the roads on Monday, 3 or 4 on Tuesday, 5 or 6 on Wednesday, 7 or 8 on Thursday, and 9 or 0 on Friday from 7:00 AM onwards to keep roads free of traffic jams.
6) (Can't keep my hands away from USA) Florida - Women may not expose their breasts while performing "topless dancing".
7) Kansas: If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed. (Right....)
8) California - Pacific Groove: It is illegal to molest butterflies. (And I thought pedophiles were creepy enough!)
Ah~ How smart we are! I rest my case about my Dum-Dum Land ideal.
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