Saturday, August 5

Western Super Heroes

Recently, I thought of categorizing my posts into groups and stuff so I started thinking about "cool" category names but first, I have to sort out my types of posts first. It ended like this:
Category one: Crappy.
Category two: Crappy... too.
Category three: A lil more crappier than the first two.
Category four: This list could go on forever....
So I was forced to abort my Operation Clean-Up Battlefield as 99% of my post will go into category one, two and three...
Anyway, to the point here. What do Spiderman, Superman and Batman have in common?
First of all, I just realized all their names end with "man", how lame is that? Oh my god, most super heroes have names that end with "man"! He-man, Ultraman, Cat Woman.... X-Men. The creators are seriously lacking in the name giving department, aren't they?
But that's not the common thing I was thinking about. What I realized is that ALL of them have a penchant towards wearing tight rubber-like suits. I know they have a great body and all but do they really have to show it off like that?
OK, this guy seems to be a bad example as he doesn't really have protruding chunks of muscle but look at how tight his suit is! He's already busy enough trying to save the world so don't you think the creators should give him a break and dress him in something more comfortable?! And oh my god those ugly red boots! Did no one thought them how to dress up? Not that I have good taste in clothes but even someone like Farhan would know that this is definitely wrong, man.
And is red and blue the "in" super hero colour? Plus, again, the red boots! Another thing you should notice about Spiderman is the mask. Not only is the extremely tight suit preventing him from breathing normally, he also has to bare the tight mask pressing against his nose and the silver-coloured eye patches that resemble aluminium foils more than tinted windows. But his pose is definitely more "gaya" than Superman.... Hei~! Do you guys remember that red, blue and yellow are the prime colours in arts? Look at Superman's colours! Red cape, boots and outside-wear, blue spandex suit and yellow belt. This means that the creator either got lazy of mixing the colours up so just stuck with the prime colours or Superman is trying to hint that he is like the "basic" of life, you know... Like the "prime" part of life or something like that. OK, fine~ It's lame!
*sweat* I suddenly had this image of Prakash standing in the Superman pose flash pass my brain......
Thank god this guy aint dressed in red and blue or I just might go crazy.
According to what I know, Batman aint wearing a spandex suit as the thing is like an armour so it should be hard. Maybe it's made of plastic... It sure does look like it in this picture. Haha, this guy must be a total loser because he purposely carved in the "muscles" on his suit! I still say it's uncomfortable.
OK, those are the examples of western super heroes. Now let us move on to their Asian counterparts who have a looooot better dress sense than them.
Take a look at Dragon Ball for example. If I'm not mistaken, the only ones who wore spandex suits in the whole of Dragon Ball was Bezita and his kind when he was still a bad guy. By the way, Fliza and Cell were NOT wearing anything so that does not count. Now these people prove that being a super hero isn't just about wearing really really tight and ugly suit.
See? All of them are wearing lose fitting cotton (I presume) clothing and they're strong enough to use a "bola jiwa" the size of a whole planet. Can Superman do that? NO! Why? Probably because he has too hard a time trying to prevent his balls being crushed by the suit.
Have any of you heard of Pendekar Laut? I doubt it.. Anyway, I think that Pendekar Laut is the best dressed super hero of all time. Seriously, he beats Mask Black Rider, He-Man and Godzilla any time, anywhere, hands down and tied behind his back. I can't really find a full size picture of him so I guess you guys will have to make do with this.
This guy is so cool he can rip a ship up with his (I directly translated it) "Magnetic Spinning Power" and change the chemical bonds within the molecules that makes up the metals and turn them into clothes he needs to wear as a result of swimming in the ocean nude and suddenly having to attend to an emergency. And he wears sunnies and a uber cool trench coat!
And unlike those goodie-goodie super heroes who can't kill villians because they're innocent (I can't believe I could fit those 2 words in a single sentence), Pendekar Laut can totally kick ass and just "bang bang boom!" Down goes those useless people standing in his way! He is so cool, he makes Napolean Dynamite look hot!
Anyway, I just wanted to discuss the westerner's tendency towards wearing tight suits but then through out the course of this post, I realized that the Asian heroes aren't really too far behind in the badly-dressed department so it turned into a pretty pointless post.


Jess said...

totally hilarious!!! hahaha i was laughing out loud.. haha just what i needed.. thanks!

Niyi said...

i started the post trying to sound serious and discuss about their obsession over tight clothes but it obviously didn't work...

Jess said...

HAHAHA.. its in ue genes to write funny stuff lah!

little of ur posts are serious haha which is a good thing imo