Saturday, June 3

A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"

Have you ever had a day when you woke up and knew things just won't go your way? Well, I'm having one of those days.
This little bug found it's way into my brain the first moment I woke up and it burried itself deep inside there, refusing to get out. It's like an idiotic song stuck in your head when you're trying to remember another song, or a little kid screaming his lungs out when you're trying to get some peace of mind and you can't get away because both of you are stuck on the same bus on a long journey, or the vision of a 70 year old obese woman that keeps popping into your head when you wanna have sex.... You get what I mean, it's hopelessly annoying but the more you try not to think about it, the louder the screaming becomes.
And the fact that I had this totally cruel dream about me being beaten by a bunch of girls with chairs ain't helping either.... Even worse because fate has this evil way of making all my bad dreams come true in its own sick and twisted way, yet leaving all the good ones as dreams that would never take place.
OK, the dream was about me, Slur, Irene, Jac and PF discussing some trivial matter in class, and I was the only odd one out with a different opinion on it. Then for no reason they started hacking at me with chairs because I don't agree with them. All 4 of them including Slur and my "dar dar" PF! It was horrible, totally horrible and miserable! If Jac comes for class on Monday, I am sooo not going to discuss anything with you guys, and I ain't gonna fall for any of your tricks to engage me in conversation either!
So, my mission right now is to bang my head right open and extricate the little bug and let it burn, burn, BURN!! That's the whole reason I'm blogging right now, and it seems to be working a little bit.
You guys must be wondering about my title right? It's actually the title of a song by Fall Out Boy, and after listening to it for the umpteenth time, I'm just going to make some assumptions about its meaning. It's about this boy who have a crush on the girl and the girl knows it so she keeps giving him chances but the guy chickens out and finally, the girl get fed up of him and leave. When the guy finally realizes he's too late, he tries his best to win her back, and I don't know how it ends....
Write me off, give up on me

'cause darling what did you expect?
I'm just off a lost cause
a long shot, don't even take this bet.

Anyway, my friend Shirling, for her own sick reasons, thinks this is going to happen to me. I have no idea why, seriously. OK, now this sounds as if someone likes me.... That is sooo not the case. Don't get me wrong.
Slur~!!!!! Help me!!
Oh yeah, while we're still on the subject of dreams and how the good ones never come true. Let me give a few examples. I once had this dream about me suddenly becoming extremely smart, like top of the world smarter-than-Stephen Hawking smart. I was so smart MShern would seem like an ant to my brain and I used all my supreme intelligence to build something. Something really stupid.... I can't remember what. Anyway, the point is I'm still dumb and I still haven't built anything yet.
Oh, and I also had this dream about my house suddenly being lifted up and I moved to Newport (from the O.C.) and I became one of the rich ones there. I was so rich I had a rotating wardrobe that fills a whole room and my very own 4-wheel-drive. The strange thing about that dream was my house still looked exactly like it does now but somehow the inside seems to be conveniently larger, and somehow we were able to fit in in a row of mansions.... But I'm not complaining. Too bad that's another dream down the drain that won't ever come true.
See what I mean? They always, ALWAYS have to choose the bad ones and make it come true. If there is some supernatural power out there, then it must be a very bitter or sarcastic person.


Anonymous said...

ah?? it's gonna happen 2 u? in wic way?? u're gonna be in da shoes of da guy or da gal?? but i can't seem 2 relate u 2 either 1 of them.. ahem ahem!!! read da next line!!! here goes... *clears throat once more* then i go running 2 u n say:"niyi... there there... *pat pat*
--------20 seconds later--------------
feeling better?????? this is called da slurrie effect.

n yes!! i will bring u into a lovely conversation with irene, jac, pumba n me on monday. do hv patience while waiting 4 da day 2 come. n i do mean lovely. hahaha..

muakxx muakxx dewwie.. *guffaws*

Niyi said...

OMG!! I'm officially firing you as my best fren!! if only i had mr. trump's combover hairstyle i would swivel around in my chair and point a very very mean index finger at you and go "you're fired!"
and u soooo aint gona get me to talk with all 4 of you at the same time on monday. and u sooooo aint gona get a chance to with me the pat-move!
oya, my fren said i wud b in the guy's shoes.

Anonymous said...

wad???!!? cheh.. i'm innocent la.. hehe.. after commenting here i mahu go read bout da 2 lame guys d.. hehehe.. n oso if oni u could point ur index finger n say dat 2 me.. i'll retaliate da typical-tv way n go "u're not firing me... I'M firing u" n storm out of da room. dengan penuh gaya-ness. monday if jac doesn't come then means ur dream won't come thru d ler.. guy's shoe?? ok abit more possible but will da gal react dat way?

Anonymous said...

Jac is coming on Mon.......


Niyi said...

porn queen! y u say jac will come! nono, u dn know that! aiyer, hope she get fever or what then can't come.
and whada heck u fire me?!?!
its not u fire me, its "u can't fire me, i QUIT!"... SLUR~!!!!!

Anonymous said...

in ur pathetic case, i don think the girl'll leave unless u bloody gave up b4 she did. [wait, since when u're a gay? maybe he's a guy, my bad.] well, i mean initially, not until i seduce him/her to MY side. and u'll see how i succeed and u'll die crying. squat aside [preferably beside the garbage pile] and watch, you chickenly-balless flowerfluff girl!

Your friendly neighbourhood,

Anonymous said...

"the vision of a 70 year old obese woman that keeps popping into your head when you wanna have sex"
and how I ask may you know of that fact?

man if the nightmares came tru...i'd be dead by now man...mine are more to the real bad ones like getting ur brain chopped into pieces, getting hunt down by lions and ugly black guys ...damn terrible then getting hit by chairs man.

so many anonymous hahah i'll be one too

Niyi said...

MojoJojo is Mae right? and is the last anonymous Pat? just guessing....
and what the heck flowerfluff? you got a problem with my flower power?!!? FLOWER POWER ROCKS!!
oh, and well.... lets jz hope i really never dream of my brain getting chopped into pieces... *sweat*

Anonymous said...

fuck u! u fuckin' dung fucker!
do i sound more like Mae now???? :)

Mae :)

Niyi said...

i tot u had an account.. why are u using anonymous? and seriously, dnt be so rude in my blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.