Tuesday, December 11
There's Your Trouble
If you haven't, let me accomplish my awe-inspiring job again. In case you missed what I said before, my job is to enlighten you tiny lil' chicks and lambs. Ya dig?
BET Awards stands for "Black Entertainment Awards". Well, everybody (who didn't come out of a politically-correct time warp) would probably know what "black" stands for. What we all (myself the almighty omniscient being included) don't get is why any self-respecting white / yellow / blue / rainbow coloured person isn't making a big fuss about it?
If I were living in the US of A, I would have let the whole shebang out already and tear these racist bastards and bitches (B&B) to pieces. I won't even mention the fact that these niggers are allowed to humiliate and degrade themselves by calling themselves all the names they won't allow others to call, yet are able to look you straight in the face and say it.
Isn't it ironic, don't you think?
After all the insults these B&B serve the whites with, now they're supposed to stand with an award show that caters only to blacks?
A little too ironic, yeah I really do think.
Why doesn't somebody rebel and make a WET Awards? I'm sure nobody in their sane mind would retaliate if they were aware of the B&Bs and BETs.
Seriously, am I the only one who sees an opportunity to sue some B&B ass off? Have the Americans lost their games? Aren't they supposed to be the gods of suing each other?
Here's my shout-out in support of a WET Awards taking place some time soon.
PS: I'm currently very sick which have reduced my brain to pulp which might not might not be affecting my brain function. I don't know. If I were smart enough to know this answer I probably wouldn't have to write this PS anyway.
Saturday, December 8
Death Is But Another Release
I've been using a lot of exclamation marks but I can't help it cause I'm just appalled by all this.
The book tells the story about this lonely Honey Bear who cried and cried about his loneliness and one day decided to go on a quest to find himself a friend. In the whole of the story, he met numerous animals whom he tried to help but in vain. Some because his size was merely too big for them (like the birds trying to build a nest) and some because they simply would not accept his help in fear of what ulterior motive he might have. There were the beavers who played with him but after a good day of fun, he realises he's different from them and simply could not fit in so he quits them. At the end of a story, like all children's stories, he finds a friend. But surprise, surprise. Who is the friend but another fellow bear, and a girl bear for that matter. Yes, they wrote it and even stressed the fact that it's a girl bear who will one day become Mama Bear to his little ones. Yes! THEY WROTE ALL THAT!
In case you stone-heads haven't realised the whole problem behind all this. Let me enlighten you (for is that not my job as the all-knowing one?).
First of all, it shows inability to be alone and to seek out companionship. Well, that's not a problem at all until kids who are so in need of attention and companionship turns to measures such as drugs and being useless A-holes.
Then, we reach the main insult of the whole book. That just because things are different you should not and CAN NOT accept them. This is proven in the numerous times he tried to make friends with the swans, the fawns or other animals. Those animals' fear of the well-meaning Honey Bear also teach kids that you should fear (and hence reject) anything that's different from you. Not different from what is right; Different from YOU! Are we still wondering why people always have racial / cultural / religious conflicts? I bet all the people out there trying to resolve these conflicts in peaceful terms never read this Honey Bear book when they were still at an impressionable age.
At the end of the story, there is the insult to the homosexuals out there and the very misplaced sex-education! Do these kids really need to know one day the guy sitting beside you is gonna F you and you're gonna go through 9months of pain and hardship as a result? And that book was probably meant for readers of 4-7 years of age! I call that totally inappropriate. Then there's the whole issue of stressing the fact that the new friend is a girl bear. Not another bear, not another boy bear, no no. They stressed that it was a GIRL bear. The girl bear that will soon be called Mama Bear.
While the maniacs out there are trying to purge discrimination by changing "Baa-baa Black Sheep" into "Baa-baa Colourful Sheep", readers of this book are being taught to not only discriminate blacks, but every other thing that differs from themselves. Does nobody see the irony?
The worse part of all this boo-haa being that "black sheep" is a very legitimate term describing a person who causes shame or embarrassment because of deviation from the accepted standards of his or her group. And this is true back in the time when bleach didn't exist because of course people would rather have white wool that looks clean when it's clean and black when it's dirty (hence reminding you to clean it). Really, who cares about this small issue when the cute ol' Honey Bear is out there doing more harm than all the nursery rhymes combined?
Thursday, December 6
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Gosh my life is boring. I can't even think of something interesting to write. I've actually started writing a story that's ending up to be too long to be a story and too short to be a novel so its existence is currently under consideration. When I get something good I'll definitely post it up.
That said, it probably means this post is considerably dull. But who cares, I'm still gonna talk.
I've been going to the gym regularly recently. Seriously, you guys would be amazed by how dedicated I am towards my gym-regime if you choose to judge me by my figure. Someone really smart once said don't judge a book by it's cover and I'm gonna say "True that!". Don't let the flabs, bumps and soft-tissue fool you, my friend!
I go gyming like, 5 days a week, sometimes even every day of the week! However, the dismaying truth is I don't look anywhere near Madonna or Gwen! Or even Keira or Paris looking! The reason I chose to put these names in two different categories is because of the apparent similarity in the extra hot bods but the undeniable truth that the Hot Mamas a.k.a. Gwen and Madonna have the fittest body for hot mamas in the world. I would go trough ten times the labour pain the suffered if some almighty lord would grant me bods as hot as them... Note: I don't want the kids but I'm just trying to prove how much I'm willing to sacrifice. To be in this group you don't necessarily have to be a mama you just have to have a body worthy to be called babelicious. Like Jessica Alba.
The difference with the Paris (and Alley McBeal) group is that they're hot....but NOT hot. Get what I mean? It's like.... They're hot but they're so not fit! Look at them! People from Somalia look exactly like them minus the pretty face (an outcome of numerous cosmetic assistance, I'm sure). If you gave me a choice between obesity and Parisrexia (derivative of anorexia) then of course I'd choose the latter but come on! What is to be lusted after when all you can see is a bag of bones? The worse part is when the arch their back and you can see the whole spine just protruding out of their fragile skin. If I were I guy, I'd be too afraid I might break them to be able to get in any ass-spanking sex. And I seriously don't mean it in a dirty way, I'm just asking you the rationale behind all this craze for stick-thin figures that is chiefly driven by shallow tasteless men.
Some women might protest by saying they were born "petite" but ladies, sticking a finger down your throat after every meal DOES NOT in any way count as "born with". like, hello~! I know petite when I see one and petite definitely does not have scapula and clavicles sticking out of their shoulder. Seriously. And since anybody willing to put themselves through such pain to look a certain way *knock knock*OTHER PEOPLE dictate you should look must either be crazy, dumb or both, I think I should add in another pointer.
Sticking anything other than your finger down your throat to get the same effect does not count either.
I'm actually ashamed by how much these scheming weight-loss agencies what gained in the past decade. Not only does it show the ridiculous amount of food people gobble down, this also proves how much our intelligence have went down. I've heard these "weight gurus" at work and honestly, half a brain and a pass in your high school science subject is all it takes to look through the idiocy of it all. Fat that mysteriously disappears overnight?! Foreign enzymes that have no other affect in your body except burning all the unflattering fat away?! The magic wipe that melts you fat straight into your blood stream and gets flushed out of your body when you next crap!? If life were this simple, you'd die from a massive heart attack beforehand, caused by the almighty fat that you burned away from your waist and was transported to your heart. Idiots! Are you so altruistic that you've donated all your IQ to the smart burn-unsightly-fat-only enzyme?!
Wow, I actually managed to write quite a lot.
Wednesday, December 5
You Can't Tell Me It's Not Worth Dying For
I really hope it does not fail me. So here I am, wishing that the movements of my fingers will cease the workings of my brain.
I don't have anything to write. My life is so mundane that it's a shame. Wow, the previous sentence rhymes! Anyway, I was thinking that I might indulge whoever cares to read my posts to venture farther and maybe read some wonderful writings that I enjoy. I know I sound really old but let's face it, I've long passed my days of youth.
Two of my favourite styles of writings are classic and chic lit. I know there cannot be anything quite as different as these two but believe me, there's a very good mix. It's like rap music and country, they are the perfect compliments and complement of each other. After the classics have left you serious and sober, there's nothing better than letting your brain go to waste on some chic lit that requires the lowest amount of thinking possible. For classics, I recommend books by the Bronte sisters and of course, no female can call themselves classical book readers and not read Jane Austen. I'm currently reading Emma and I can't believe how much I enjoy it. To be honest, I was expecting myself to read it only when I'm absolutely bored out of my bujeezers but I find myself actually feeling agitated when something or somebody distracts me from my read!
When the sun shines we shine together~ Told you I'll be here forever~ *can't help not singing, I'm listening to it now*
Oh, we can move on to my next favourite thing -- music! Honestly, I suck at it. I can't sing I can't play any instrument (yet) but I really think our lives will be wanting so much if it were not for music. The reason I put a "yet" there is because I'm learning drumming right now! Haha, I'm so proud of myself for finally acting on my desires. Just you wait guys, I'll be rocking next to Tommy Lee in no time. Well, not really.... I don't recall whether I've already said it here or not but to be honest, before going for my first lesson I was sooooo sure that the teacher will look at me with jaws dropped and say "Oh my god, you must be Mozart reincarnate!"
Unfortunately, unless Mozart really really really extremely unforgivably SUCKED at drumming, there's no way I can be his reincarnation or anywhere near his descendants. But you know.... Life's like that, right? Don't give up and don't back down. Since I fancy myself to be having a lot of free time (which I don't really cause of my work and my reading and my drumming and my having to decide which laptop I want to buy and my fixed time devoted to Ellen-ing), I've also taken up the task of trying to give myself the abs of Gwen. Oh, that can be my new tag line! Abs of Gwen! Unfortunately (again) that couldn't and wouldn't possibly happen anytime soon either. To give you a hint of why this is so, let my enlighten you on what I just ate for dinner an hour ago.
Butter naan with butter chicken and chicken briyani rice and apple cake and mangoes and yogurt drink and I really should end this sentence now.
So, while anybody else aspiring for the Abs of Gwen can fly ahead in their jets and Lambos, I'll just follow behind leisurely on my kap chai motorcycle.
To console myself, at least I don't suck so much at reading. On another note, please will you all pray that my job will no longer find my service necessary so that I can quit ASAP?
Saturday, December 1
Put The Blame On.... Definitely Not Me
Like duh~ how would I be writing this if I'm not sitting at my PC which (again) duh~ happens to be IN my house? Not like I have a laptop or something.
Did you just say laptop? Oh, NO (waving a disapproving finger) you did en't!
I just bummed my whole day today thinking bout laptops! Like seriously.
I had my whole day planned out before laptops came to mind! It was breezy and sunny (at least in my mind... the actual weather sucks) and I thought "Ah~ what a day! I should go running!" (because I ate soooo much last night that my guilt-processor is in hyper-drive) and since my mom has been bugging me to go back to KDU and grab my results slip, I thought well since it's a jolly day, I shall go there grab those annoying things and go catch a movie with Pat after that! So I sat around a little bit and got too lazy to go running which made me postpone my whole go gym then go KDU plan but alas, I did manage to do some running. Afterwards, it was way too late for me to go to the office but of course, that shouldn't stand in the way of me and my lovely arcade so there I was, ready to go on as planned but noooo~ Something called the PC Fair had to pop into my dad's brain and nooo~ we had to go there together hence making me car-less and officially pooping all my plans.
And believe you me, I wouldn't be complaining so much if the trip was in any way beneficial. Instead of coming home enlightened and determined, I came back with a headache and too much knowledge (which I don't appreciate) and even more greed! If things chose a day in my life to go wrong, it must have been today.
Do we really need laptops? Looking at all the things at PC Fair just now, I felt certain I must have dropped out of a time machine one way or another, konked my head on something, had amnesia and mysteriously got warped into this foreign life. Maybe that'll explain why i virtually have no childhood memories save the ones I see from pictures! Eureka! I knew I'm smart but sometimes, I even surprise myself man.
OK, it's officially. Watching Ellen DeGeneres on a daily basis is taking its toll on me. But I haven't felt this cheerful in a long time!
I seriously can't decide which to get. It's so confusing with all the numbers and shiny things and argh!!! At first I was dead set on Apple 'cause it looks oh so droolingly cool but then I see this HP Pavilion (the one I'm checking out is the DV6601TX, in case any of you are interested) and I thought wooooh! And the best part is, it has like 70% of the apple coolness in terms of looks. But of course the software from Apple kicks freedom ass. They might be monopolizing and all that shit but for what they offer, it's good.
However, the rational side of me is making it hard to ignore the fact that the HP I'm eyeing comes with a separate graphic card plus like 130GB of extra hard disk space and also more RAM than the Apple. Oh, the torments of life!
Plus there's also the fact that Slur uses Apple and as her namesake, she's slur! So you know, to actually be using something that Slur uses kinda like makes me feel I'm going slur too.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
PS: The prices are similar so don't use that card on me.
PPS: Miss you to bits Slurrie!!
Tuesday, November 20
錯愛你 放棄你 太愛你 誰願意
OK, I actually did some warm up playing on Sunday morning but that can't really count as playing because some useless bugger stood me up and I ended up just shooting some hoops and not getting to play at all. But boy am I glad I went to warm up on Sunday because if I didn't, I really don't even want to imagine what my performance on the Monday (that thankfully didn't happen) would be. I'm so out of touch from the ball that I've loss the sense of it!
But still, we had a great game and we won!
And of course this time the bugger didn't stand me up. Which is fortunate for her because if she did then I'll have her head as an apology.
Anyway, like Saffron reminded me, our game yesterday was very much like the game we played last year. When we went into the match against TAR we were so freaking scared of the out come I was seriously nervous as though I was back in high school and we were going into our final against PCGHS. But of course, since their main players didn't play we ended up trashing them.
This time around, their main players did play but we still won by a respectable margin because HAHAHAHAHA our "sai lang" was so great!
Whoo hooo~ Thank god I took leave from my work to go play man. Hope another opportunity like this comes up again some time soon.
Tuesday, November 13
I've Got Too Much Life, Running Through My Veins, Going To Waste
Maybe a billion beats and your heart will stop. No, evolution is not done yet but at least it's inclusive. Maybe a billion beats each with a certain magnitude.
This would mean that for those athletes with a low resting pulse rate, they'll get to live longer because their hearts have to work less on normal times. But on the other hand, their hearts are subject to vigorous use during their training hours which would mean that... well, maybe the lower resting pulse rate compensates for the time they have to work hard hence they end up having an average life span as long as other factors don't come into the equation.
Which might also explain why healthy and fit footballers drop dead for no apparent reason at all. Maybe they've overused their share of heartbeats. Maybe they were unfortunate and were given a lower number of beats to begin with... life ain't always fair. In fact, it never is.
That would also mean people who meditate will eventually live longer. Which is kind of true. But then scientifically we don't know if they live longer because their hearts don't use up all the reserve beats or for other reasons. One thing we do know is that people with lower heartbeats tend to live longer although these two issues cannot be tied together as definite. There are too many reasons to die (and it seems as if there ain't enough reasons to live).
This also brings to mind the case of the periodic exercisers. These are people who exercise every once in a blue moon when they think a day of vigorous work out will be able to trick the weighing machine about their past ingestions. Does this mean that because they won't have a lower resting pulse rate at normal times AND they subject their hearts to hard pumping at other times, they'll eventually live shorter lives?
Could it be that if you're not gonna do exercise until you reach a point of lower resting pulse rate, you better off not exercising at all?
But with all due respect, I would much rather risk not definite the shorter life span than being 1) out of shape 2) obese 3) have high cholesterol levels in my blood which will DEFINITELY lead to heart attacks. So for those of you looking for reasons to not go to the gym, this isn't it.
I'm merely speculating.
On th case of the dying footballers, another speculation (from me so don't take it too seriously) is that their heart rhythms might have accidentally been affected during hard collisions. We know for a fact that their hearts are already working very hard during matches and that some times, the struggle for the ball might get a little rough so there is a possibility that one might get struck on the chest during the struggle. A hard blow to the correct (or incorrect) area might cause the already drained heart some confusion hence causing it to go into cardiac arrhythmia. This might not be apparent at first but when the body is asking for so much, even a minor alteration will seem significant and cause a heart attack. Could it be?
You might not bother about all this but why these people who seem to be the epitome of health can just fall dead is beyond me and it really bugs me.
Tuesday, October 30
First You Say You Won't. ThenYou Say You Will
I don't normally say what I want to or feel face to face so this is probably one of the rare places where I'm free to speak my mind and be sure to not have an audience. Even so, I'm too paranoid to actually cut all the strings.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if for one day of your life you were allowed to say everything you wanted to say. Just let go of everything and blabber away. Gosh, that'd be so nice. I guess that's something that'll only happen in my dreams. No holds barred nothing to lose and nothing to gain situation. Like seriously, you aren't talking for anything except to get your heart out.
Chasing dreams.
I don't think closure is something I'll be able to achieve.
Saturday, October 27
Dying Is The Day Worth Living For
I've been reading this book on the Clinical Years of studying medicine and I know it's a reallllly long way to go before I reach that (Clinicals start in year 3, for those of you who are less informed) but you know, my dad's friend gave the book to me as an unintended spur of the moment gift and I just finished my Roald Dahl book so I guess there's nothing in my way to stop me.
So OK, here's the thing. In the book, the first chapter is how to conduct an interview/consultation with the patient to access what's wrong or "not right" with him/her in an acceptable and respectable way. One of the tips they give is empathy and understanding. To get off on the right foot, we're advised to put ourselves in their shoes and try to remember the last time we had to visit the doctors because we had a "not right" situation ourselves.
That is the part that really gets me. I've never sat in a waiting room before, I've never been to the doctors (unless you consider wasting time in my dad's office because I forgot my house keys and can't find anyone to give me a set) and I most definitely have never felt the kind of anticipation and fear or palpitations in my palms as a result of it.
So does that make me "not right" by itself? Is it wrong to not have been subjected to such examination before?
More importantly, does my lack of that experience compromise my future ability to interact on that level? Like seriously, I'm not too well known for my empathetic skills and I highly doubt I could summon up a mysterious amount of empathy from thin air.
Am I weird?
Friday, October 19
It's A Shame There's No One To Blame For All The Pain That Life Brings
“How would you like to live forever?” asked Ski.
“I think it’s pretty ridiculous. What would you do for forever?”
“It seems cool. I would play basketball forever.”
I rolled my eyes. “Uh huh, so even when you’re 300 years old with creaking knees and no teeth at all, you’re still going to play basketball under the sun and run around chasing the ball? When will you retire from your job, assuming that someone would want to hire a 300-year-old grandma?”
Ski turned to face me, her facial expression hidden by the shadow of the leaves above our heads. From all the time we’ve spent together, I already know she’s going to once again start her lecture about being more optimistic and romantic and stop thinking about all the technical problems in dreaming. If time permitted, she would also go into her lecture about just enjoying life and not worry about careers or all the strains and pains of the adult world.
“Hei! What you guys waiting for? Come on! We need 2 more players to play 5-5!” came Link’s voice from the basketball court.
“Stop wasting time there and let’s play some ball, you guys!” shouted Bel, as if she was afraid Link’s voice wasn’t loud enough to wake up the whole world.
As I rushed to join them, I couldn’t help myself from smiling. I stopped for a while and looked up at the sky; the rays of sunlight were casting a warm glow on us as the clouds glided slowly with the wind.
This is my life. A large portion of it is spent with my 3 best friends as we talk about life, world news and everything under the sun, but mostly our conversation circles around who’s dating who and the weight of everyone we know. We play basketball to pass our time when the weather warranted. We’re high school students but we don’t seem to find a meaning in studying until the very last second before exam begins. In short, we are everything teenagers should be and everything parents wish their children won’t grow up to become.
George Bernard Shaw said “Youth is wasted on the young.” And I couldn’t agree more. But quite frankly, I couldn’t care less. We don’t have work; we don’t have a family to feed or deadlines to meet. Time is the only thing we could callously spend at our own desire. That was four months before I learned my first lesson on time. It was only four months later that I began my journey on discovering how a second in a person’s life could change the story of so many lives.
People say that when you’re sixteen, you make your debut into society and finally dip your hands into the future you’re going to be living out. Indeed we had our future laid out before us, the possibilities only limited by our own abilities and desires.
July 17th year 2004. It was a glorious Saturday morning unlike the other mornings we have been waking up to for the past couple of weeks. For once in so many days, my morning wasn’t accompanied by the roaring of thunders and the sound of raindrops splattering upon the windows. I found myself sitting once again under the same tree I sat four months ago, only this time I was alone, waiting for Ski and Link’s arrival. I took a glance at my watch. 23 minutes pass the time we agreed to meet up, at least another 7 minutes until the time when they would actually show up. Malaysian punctuality, something we could truly be proud of.
Just as leaned back to enjoy the occasional silence I was granted, Avril Lavigne’s voice jolted me back to reality. I picked up the phone to hear someone sobbing and an ambulance wailing in the background. I was ready to say “wrong number” and put the phone down when to my utter surprise, Link’s voice came from the other end of the line. “Niyi, it’s me. Look, we have an emergency here. Can you call your father and ask him to get the emergency room at his hospital ready for two patients?”
A little panicked and doubtful, I asked “What’s going on here? Why is there an ambulance?”
I would never forget the sights and sounds that followed that conversation in the next couple of hours. A few dazed actions later, I had my father waiting at the hospital as my mom fetched me there. Another glance at my watch, 16 minutes since Link called me. I can’t believe this is happening. We were only 16 years old.
As I stepped through the sliding doors at the hospital’s entrance, I couldn’t help but give a cold shiver as I remembered all the people crying along the corridors every time I came to find my father in his office. Having been here a great number of times, I found myself in the Emergency Ward with no trouble at all. I looked at the chairs at the beds, not a single familiar face. At that point, I didn’t know whether I should give out a sigh of relief or grief that my friends aren’t there yet. I paced up and down the white corridor when my phone rang again.
“Where are you? I’m at the X-ray department?” said Link.
“Coming. Be there in 2 minutes.”
I dashed down the corridors that seemed similar to each other until I finally arrived at where Link was, sitting nervously on the floor. To my horror, her basketball jersey was stained with blood. In fact, almost all clothing and bags lying beside her was stained a dark red colour. She looked up at me. That was the first time I’ve seen her cry since I met her years ago. Although the stench of blood was strong about her, I waved it away as I ran to give her a consoling hug. Until that point, I still had no idea how horrible the accident was.
Not too long after that, Ski came out of the X-Ray room lying on a bed. Her leg was all wrapped up but the only thing I could do was stare at her. Looking at her face that just looked back at me as if I was about to give an answer to life’s greatest mystery. Sadly, all I could do was look. And then she spoke. The line that broke the silence and also my heart.
“I could see my bone. It’s so white… but it was very red too.”
It has been 3 years since that incident occurred. Ski took a long time to recover and came back to accompany us at the basketball court briefly but when something like that happens, no amount of dreaming or laughing can really bring things back to normal. We no longer play together nowadays. I because the game seems to have lost its appeal and she because of the injuries she suffered that morning. Bel is too busy to play these days and she rarely even keeps in touch with the rest of us.
Isn’t it strange that so long after everything has happened, I finally want to live forever. No, I want to play with my friends forever the game that I love the most. And when I do finally die, I want to be all used up. I want to not be able to move a single muscle because I’ve lived to my heart’s content and have nothing left in me. We go through life trying to find ourselves and our true friends but in truth, life isn’t about finding it. It’s about creating it. We found ourselves on that court under the clear blue sky so many years ago. But nobody told us we could lose what we found and so we let go and now it’s gone. So what’s left now is for us to create a future that nobody can steal from us. We have to create ourselves.
You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'
PS: I know this post would have been a lot better had I not deleted most of it but it was too hard for me to post such personal things here and I apologise.
I Do I Do
You know how my perfect and awesome brain always works and tinkers away at thoughts until finally I come up with very plausible (though unscientific nor useful) theories?
Well, I have a new one now! It's something that'll touch Farhan deeply and give an insight to what mankind has deemed a problem since the age of Caesar. Yes my dear audience, it started since the time when a knight stared into his shining shield and noticed the bald spot on his head.
This is a revolutionary theory about men's hair!
You know that theory by Einstein that about conservation of energy and how it cannot be made nor destroyed but merely transfered from one to another in the form of energy or mass?
Will, let's just say he made an incredible discovery without even realizing it as he stared into the mirror while contemplating how to comb his unruly hair. When men bald, where does all that hair go?
According to the law of conservation of energy, you can't destroy mass or energy, merely transfer it. So when you look at an aging male with a shining head, look closer and you'll know where the energy was transfered to. Look really really closely. Look at his ears and his nose and his arms and chest.
Lo and behold, the answer!
Why, when men get older, do they start getting hair growth in all the wrong places?
Had they always have these irregular growths but being young, chose to trim them for the sake of beauty? Or did these hair miraculous sprout up as the hair on top of their head reduced in number?
Well, you can't really blame the hair follicles for migrating because when you think about it, it's in their genes. Haven't it always been the innate nature to flee when the going gets tough?
Those hair up there probably woke up one day and thought "Hey, why should I work so hard under the sun when I can just up and leave?" and poof it goes.
Things have always been that way, haven't it? Going gets tough, the tough gets going.... and most of the men just sit at the sideline with beer cans on their beer bellies and shout "You go girl!".
So there you have it. My theory on why men get bald supported by the law of conservation of energy that says "Thou shat not be destroyed... but I won't stop thee from fleeing".
Thursday, October 18
In An Ideal World Kids Would Keep Their Rooms Tidy
Sure we have our biological faults like having periods and all things evil associated with it and also the misfortune of having to (under some circumstances) carry another being in our body for 9 horrible months but let us consider the other facts too.
Let's start of with the good part of being female.
Guys have to open the door for us. Well, at least the guys that place a head which contains a brain (will get to this later) on top of their neck. Regardless of how feminist and what not I am, I believe that guys SHOULD open the door for girls. And my feminist feelings notwithstanding, guys should NEVER hit girls either. Run and shame yourself if you ever come across a psychotic woman but NEVER hit them unless you're trying to protect someone.
Then we are allowed to shop till we drop without being called a sissy cause it's just what we're supposed to do, right? And then we can eat our hearts out when we're feeling blue cause that's just our coping mechanism! It's not like we want to but it's in our genes! And let's not forget being able to lash out at others once a month and shrug it off by blaming it on PMS.
Now here are the less glorious but still true parts. For starters, when we're peeing using the sitting type of toilet bowls, we can tie our shoe laces at the same time! Or any other work that requires the use of our hands. Really, I'm serious! I know it doesn't really cure cancer or AIDS but think about it, you're in the loo and suddenly you notice your tie is messed up. If you're a woman you just go "Oh, there you go." and fix it. But if you're a guy you to finish peeing, wash your hands and then only fix it! And if you don't wash your hands after you pee then I hope nobody ever.... EVER! touches anything you did.
What else... Oh, and here comes our luck for NOT being the other sex!
First of all, some mysterious part of our gene does not dictate that crushing beer cans on our forehead and farting (and burping) extremely loudly and laughing at our antics while sniffing the fart is what civilized people would do. I mean seriously, being able to do so many retarded things at the very same time is a feat worthy of admiration but is that really what millions and billions of years of evolution have led to? Is this really the epitome of the intelligent being?!
And secondly, we females don't feel the need to constantly reach downwards and check that our genitals are still in place because god forbid that it might have ran away while we were busy sniffing other people's fart while struggling to open beer cans. While I was in Bali, I went to a temple filled with monkeys and one of them was just sitting there all high and mighty with that laid-back air to itself and just watching the people pass by and scratching his balls! At that very moment, I couldn't for the life of me deny the similarities between that monkey and its supposedly more intelligent big brother!
While I'm still on the subject of genitals, let me also rejoice in the fact that females do not feel the need to give names to their private parts like "My Little Brother" or stuffs along that line.
Oh, and speaking of peeing just now. We also should be happy that we don't have to constantly put up the seat just to pee. And I really don't get this next part. How can they be such sharp shooters in everything ranging from arcade games to sports and other stuffs but suck so terribly when it comes to trying to pee at the right place! And I'm not even gonna mention the type of men who just simply pee by the road as if he was some stray dog!
But I guess they just suck when it comes to taking care of their Lil' Bro which is inevitably proven by how prone they're to "miss aim" and stick their member into the wrong hole which we civilized people would much rather call having an affair instead of "sowing their wild oats" or "proving their manliness" or crappy shit like that. If they had tails I'm sure 50% of the male population would walk with it between their legs for fear of us females realizing how weak they really are and finally decide we've had enough of their shit.
So, are you still sad of being a female even after so much persuasion?
Wednesday, October 10
My Country Is Dying
They beg on the street and live in fear of anything associated to authority. They hate, despise, loath..... Basically any word that describes a negative feeling of intense degree can be used to depict their feeling towards those who wield power over the nation. I refuse to call those bastards a "government" because clearly, they're nothing more than cruel wardens who promoted themselves to take charge of a prison filled with innocent convicts. The only kinds of emotion they evoke in me are those of hate and anger.
Any effort to overthrow such cruelty is met with a titanium fist hell-bent on keeping the country on its knees. Any brave soul who dares to show resilience risk having his entire family wiped off the face of earth overnight. Those who speak out dare not show themselves for fear of the stories whispered among our own people. For decades, my people have suffered under such oppression of human rights and freedom to live. The country that they love is existing on life-support and the machine is failing. For all the sufferings my people have endured... The world watches and waits.
For years I had a favorable opinion of Bush and was for the War in Iraq as I thought he initiated it in a justifiable effort to maintain peace. He invaded and took over such a violent and dangerous region with the force and power his country holds and I thought him to be a saint. But now I see they were right. He was really just after the petroleum. Anybody who was so concerned over world peace would not stand by with their arms crossed when they have the power to save my country with the snap of their fingers.
Burma is dying, and he looks.
It seems that in his world, the only fault my country ever did is to not produce the all valuable black gold. So monks get beaten up, disrobed and insulted to the highest degree as a consequence of the greed of the rest of the world. Protesters who only wish to love their country are shot down like crooks or animals, shipped away on trucks in the dead of night to be slaughtered after hours of torture. Those who escaped are welcomed by poverty and a serious absence of life's necessities. They don't face a shortage. They simply do not have any of it.
My heart aches as I watch the symbols of faith that I respect and honor used by the real villains as doormats but all I can do is keep on watching. I regret not being in a position which allows me to do something about this situation but I regret even more the people who can make all this turn around but refuse to do so. I love the monks and I love my religion, our religion. Their religion. Knowing that Burma is a Buddhist country, I can hardly believe what I see as I know those people wiping their feet on the monks' robes are Buddhists themselves. I don't normally curse people but I sure as hell don't wish those bastards well.
Politics and negotiations don't work in the land called Burma. The only thing the military bows to is stronger weapons. So the UN should just stopped sending envoys over and start making plans to take my country by storm if they're really sincere about wanting to help. All other effort is just for show and they know it too. They're just trying to trick the fortunate citizens of the world who aren't aware of the atrocities in Burma.
Every single one of you who reads this won't understand how this feels and you must all think I'm being a drama queen. But I do feel all the hate flow through me as every time I hear those monsters mentioned. None of you will understand what it feels like to not have a country, and identity. I don't live there nor was I born or raised there but that is the only place that will call me its own. That's my motherland.

Rock Yourself To Sleep
We should learn to sympathize with 'em.
Some people like to throw insults and unjustified remarks at others hoping it will stick. Rumors full of slander emerge as a result of their own incapability to get others to look at them for the right reasons.
On the other hand, they are others who resort to self-mutilation and other sorts of self-abuses. Say what you want about me but I seriously like this type a lot better. At least it has nothing to do with me. Besides, if they really do get physical injuries than it very beneficial to my future profession. I'm glad nobody has decided to ban inhumane people from applying to study medicine. But really, I ain't really that bad.
It's just a matter of opinion. In MY opinion (which is the subject we're discussing in this blog), I think this planet is suffering from a serious overpopulation of the human race and hence any effort to reduce the bottom rung on the ladder of the gene pool is an effort worthy to be considered for a peace prize. Of course, you'll only be nominated if you actually succeed.
We all know any species that try to compete for anything with us Homo sapiens are just looking for trouble and risking their existence on this planet. To most people, proving the human being's superiority over other species seems to be their raison d'etre and they couldn't really care less if others have to suffer for this. It's just stupid.
I think a penguin or a puppy has 100 times more reason to live than a junkie who goes around begging for food and money during daytime and go get high or rape kids during the night. And people who could do horrible things such as the monstrosity done towards Nurin are the perfect ingredient to be used for pig feed. Seriously, just grind 'em up and feed 'em to the dogs. Why else would the almighty (nonexistent) being sitting up there in the clouds send 'em to Earth?
Fuck 'em all.
Oh, and unfortunately, I wasn't really going through a period of "down"ness when I wrote the previous article. I was just giving a piece of my mind because that's how I feel. I feel like this most of the time so I doubt we can call it a "moment". It's more like a chronic disease. Well, at least I'm not dying from it.
Come to think about it. Maybe I'd feel better if I was actually DYING from it. Ironic.
I bet by the time I graduate, I'll already be asking myself when I stopped laughing like an idiot and started becoming an idiot.
Piece of advice to anybody who would care for one: Be rich and successful.
The way I see things, the people who hate you will hate you regardless but at least that way, they can only HATE you but wouldn't have the resource or the authority to do anything about it. And who said money didn't rule the world?
The devil in my pocket turned to god.
Sunday, October 7
How Long Do You Wanna Be Loved?
What the heck am I supposed to do with all this time? Call me an ass for not appreciating this life when kids around me are dropping dead by the minute but seriously, forever just ain't my style. It's just depressing! And they wonder why people get suicidal!
A generation is measured by 25 years each and on average, we're supposed to be able to live to play with our grandchildren, right? I'm not even over my generation yet and believe me, I feel like I've lived enough. So that means I have one fifth of my generation and another 2 more generations to go. Are you getting the numbers?
Can you hear me?
That's another 55 years. What can we possibly do to fill in all that time? How can anybody possibly say we just don't live long enough??! What else do you have to do?!
We live long enough. In fact, we live too long. It's the youth that doesn't last long enough. Look at me, I'm not even past my generation and yet I'm waiting for my death like some invalid lying on a bed underneath the dark gray sky. This is so wrong.
Evolution is ever evolving. Duh, it's called evolution for a reason! So maybe we aren't perfect yet. Maybe we will better ourselves to stop living so long. When are we ever gonna sleep our last? Maybe I should be a rock star or something cause according to some survey, I should die around 30+ that way, which, to me, is the right age to die.
To all of you out there dreading eternal damnation or waiting to living infinitely in Heaven with 99 virgins around you: Wake up!
One thing's for sure, that's not my cup of milk. So take your heaven and hell and go through those big pearly gates as you please but please just leave my mortal soul alone. Just like Death Cab For Cutie sang,
If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied;
Illuminate the "No"s on their Vacancy signs.
So here I sit. Depressed and darker than ever, counting down the days till I die.
Take me by the hand and tell me you would take me anywhere.
Wednesday, October 3
Forget Your Sorrows
First one boy called Elwin decided to be cute and come sit on my lap (we were all sitting on the floor) and when another girl saw this she just thought "Oh, this must be the cue to get on stage." and pushed Elwin aside and sat on my lap too. Of course, being 3 years old and all, nobody really taught Elwin the meaning of the word "gentleman" and besides, I was closer to him because I often accompany him while he waits for his mommy and so, he made a ruckus about it which attracted the attention of the remaining students.
It's not everyday kids get to sit on a teacher's lap so you can probably guess what happened next.
Of course, despite all my excess flesh and "insulation", there really isn't any space for ALL of them to sit so some kids started getting fresh and climbed on my back!
And so the back was occupied too but there was still one kid remaining and introducing the genius -- he clings to my arms like a monkey.
A little later the 4 year old kids came down and a few of them who I often play with saw all of this and that's probably when all hell broke lose.
Soon I was sitting one second then lying on the floor the other with 5 kids on top of me. And the next I would be rolled over and played with like a doll! They were practically hanging on to my hair for crying out loud.
Then some of them wanted me to tickle them and play with them so not only was I being treated as a doormat, I even had legs and arms being shoved into my face so that I would take notice and start tickling them! The audacity of them all!
Me being me, I didn't have the power to reject nor the strength to scold so there I sat being toyed with by kids who don't even reach my waist. Fortunately, salvation came in the form of another mean looking teacher with a wooden ruler in her hand.
But seriously, even I get creep-ed out by the Mean One. They should stop treating kids as punching bags of anger-venting-dolls!
Tuesday, October 2
Sometimes you have these debilitating (mental) diseases and it all seems to have been cured and passed but suddenly you start seeing the signs and symptoms creep up on you like the shadow from Shakespeare's "Life's Brief Candle". You kick it 3 times in the shin and stomped on it and think "Well, that's the end of it." but no, it all comes back to haunt you.
Try as you might to keep the obvious harm out of your face, the even more obvious ones that we never care to notice often knock the wind out of you. Ironic.
Note to self: Don't go anywhere near Tao for the next one of two years.
And all his yesterdays have lighted fools,
Away to dusty death.
Thursday, September 20
Wonder Why I Keep Opening Them...
1) When you read those mails that say "Oh my god it really works etc etc" and go on to give examples of how this woman fell on her face and died or how a man choked to death on banana skin, don't you ever wonder who writes how they died after they disobeyed they mail IF they're really dead? I really don't want to touch the subject of (the non-existent) ghosts.
2) When the whole mail is filled with stories about all those examples, can you just delete those examples and forward the remaining parts because basically if everyone obeyed the chain-letter in the first place all those examples won't be there right?
3) Is there like a "Chain-Letter Handbook" that determines what parts can and can not be deleted? If it does exist then who wrote it?
4) Is there really anybody out there who seriously believes in chain-letters? Like seriously! Oh wait, so many people believe in ghosts that anything is possible... (=_=")
5) What if I'm a really slow reader and by the time I finish reading the whole mail, the given time period to forward those mails is already up? Does it count as I disobeyed or those the whatever all-mighty force guiding and giving punishments understand the difficulties of slow readers?
6) How do you press F6 back in the days when you don't have a computer or the internet? You know... those mails always say "Press F6 afterwards and the name of your crush will appear on the screen bla bla bla".
7) Those mails always say if you send it or don't send it, something good / bad will happen at midnight and shit like that. Well, to tell you the truth, I usually sleep at 10pm or maybe 11. What happens then? Does the crush that was supposed to confess to me suddenly get a light bulb moment and decide to call me at a more godly hour or do I miss the chance of my life?
Dang, I need some answers quick!
Sunday, September 16
I'm Like A Cat!
Thoughts I'm having right now about going to uni.
What if I hate the people there?
What if I hang out with this group of people on arrival (you know how new schools are, you meet new people and get yourself into a clique bla bla) and realise later that I hate them?
By then it'd probably be too late to change groups, right?
What if nobody in my class likes playing DDR and Percussion Master?
What if my new friends don't appreciate lame jokes?
What if they're uptight I-only-wanna-study stereotypical medic students?
Oh my god, I already hate those people there. What if I hate the surrounding? I'll run all the way back to my house!
Can you imagine how much worse I'll be when it's actually time to go there?
First is that people say smoking takes your mind away from things because well, with one hand holding the death-machine and the other hand waving futilely to get the smoke out of your face, you don't really have much time to think about most stuffs.
Two, for the inexperienced nose, the smell of burning smoke smells exactly like a piece of paper that's burning.
Lastly, the only reason it relieves stress is because between the waving and the thinking how all that smoke is filling up your lungs and bringing you closer to death mile by mile, you kinda realise you're not that significant in this world after all.
So all I have to say is do what you want, just don't make me waste my energy waving your toxic release out of my face.
Wednesday, September 12
I Sailed My Ship of Safety Till I Sank It
Everybody is going their ways doing what they should be doing and gaining new experiences and living their lives. What am I doing?
For what?
Nothing. Half a year from now I'd still be living in Malaysia and I'll still be the same as I was yesterday. Well, maybe I'd be a little more pessimistic and skeptic and depressed on the whole but nothing else will change. Can my insides get any more dark and twisty than they are now?
The less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine.
Tuesday, September 11
I Lost
Tonight, I shall go to bed knowing full well that when I wake up tomorrow, another piece of my heart shall be halfway across the world.
We lose so much of ourselves each day that I'm amazed we're still breathing.... and when we put our palms over our chest, I'm surprised to feel something beating inside.
I started this page because I was heart broken that Mae left for Russia.
I still am. Yet at the same time, I'm not. Maybe this means I've grown up?
Isn't growing up a part of breaking hearts? Or is it the other way around?
Both occurrences happen so often that it's hard to differentiate one from the other. Do we leave because we love? Do we love because we leave? Do we hurt because love leaves? Do we hurt because love stays?
What now? Where do we go from here? Han's mom said that at our age, we're at a T-junction with a "No U-Turn" signs blinking in the neon-lit sky. We can turn left or right but we can't ever go back. Her words put me in an awkward position because she voiced the innermost fear I've had for the past few years.
What do we do when we can't go back? Not "if", because this is no longer a mater of probability. We're passed that stage 3 light years ago. Now we're like bed-ridden seniors lying on the bed just waiting for the inevitable death to arrive. Only we're the reverse of them. We're reluctant teenagers standing in line waiting for life to begin.
One Art
The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
---Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
-- Elizabeth Bishop
Wednesday, August 29
Most people seem to be dumbstruck when such things happen. Lost with no knowledge of what to do.
It's ironic that they got those results because of a lack of knowledge in the first place.
All I want to say is that to me, there is no question on what to do if something you really really want doesn't miraculously materialize in your laps the very instant you wish for it.
You chase after it.
It's simple. It's easy. Really, it's a lot easier than you think it is. The only reason your dream seems so far away is because while everybody is moving forward with their own dreams, you're just sitting there thinking how nice it must be when you finally grasp it in your hands.
It's the greatest law Einstein ever made. It's all relative. When you aren't running to where you want to be, you seem to be moving backwards because the people around you are moving forward.
Get off your behind and get in front. Nothing ever comes without sacrifice. Even less things come when all you can do is regret.
To quote an insurance advert I just saw about this woman running a marathon:
The road can't stop me. The weather can't stop me. The other athletes can't stop me. The only thing that can stop me... is me.
Why are you wasting your time regretting when we all know it would be time better spent rectifying your past mistakes?
To quote Transformers which would definitely touch more hearts than my previous quotes:
No sacrifice, no victory.
Friday, August 17
Why, When The Invisble Man You Talk To Is Named God, You Are Called A Saint
I've got an answer to it. It's called name-discrimination.
How else can you explain it, right?
Was not Joan of Arc and Mohammad just people who woke up one day and said their invisible "friend" told them they were "messengers" and had the political tact to spoon-feed the world into believing their every word?
But my post is not about this issue. That was just a lingering thought that I needed to expel.
My post is about a much deeper issue that boils beneath the surface.... Oh, it's deep. As deep as ancient history and voodoo worshiping goes. For those of you with an upset-able bowel or a weak heart... You have been warned!
It took place on a late August night, when the air was cool and the wind whispered names beyond the graves.... Today, we shall talk about paranoia.
Do you know how paranoia starts?
I do. Oh, yes. I do. And guess what? I'm gonna tell you.
It starts when crappy people constantly say crappy things around you. Easy and simple as that.
We're brought up to be children of science, and we have been taught to support whatever hypothesis we suggest with experiment based conclusions. So here's my experiment and the all so obvious and undeniable conclusion.
Apparatus used: Crappy friends, stupid stories, guinea pig.
Recommended guinea pig: Me.
Hypothesis: Paranoia is a result of the surrounding environment containing too much crap and idiots.
- Find and collect a group of 3 crappy friends and a guinea pic. Allow to interact.
- Make crappy friends tell stupid ghost stories animated with stupid noises and even stupider faces in front of guinea pig.
- Repeat Step 2 a few times over a period of a few days.
- On the 8th day of repeating Step 2, make guinea pig leave phone in a dark bedroom at night.
- Guinea pig returns to bedroom a few minutes later.
- Phone is ringing and the idiotic ringtone of the guinea pig's phone fills the dark dark room.
- Guinea pig does not realise it's the phone and gets scared.
- After eliminating the source of the weird noise, guinea pig absent-mindedly switches the radio on and leave room to get a drink downstairs.
- When guinea pig steps into the dark kitchen, loud tribal music is clearly audible from a far-off distant. Guinea pig gets scared shitless again.
- After confirming the source of the music to be a party held a few roads away, guinea pig returns to room at the exact moment the stupid Mix.FM is playing the song "I Love Rock 'n Roll".
- Singer happens to be going into the shriek / moan part of the song.
- Guinea pig does not realise the radio was previously turned on and, again, gets very VERY scared.
- Guinea pig is now very paranoid.
Hypothesis accepted. There is concrete proof to sustain the statement that crappy friends repeating idiotic ghost stories is a leading cause of paranoia.
Friday, August 3
Happy Days (Nights)
It's a shame Slur and Shu and the rest of them didn't come cause even with just Han, MS and Mae, we were already laughing our heads off. I swear to god we're going for another buffet some other time before everybody gets on with their life.
And of course, we're doing it with or without you guys although we would prefer it to be "with".
Damn, that was just lovely!
Haha, this is one of the rare times I'm regretting this ain't a bimbo blog cause I soooo wanna post pics of it right now.
Tuesday, July 24
The Terror With Which You Whisper His Name
No. Such a scenario is not to be tolerated.
I've recently told you about my (lovely) X-Trail being violated by scums.

And before that still, there were other incidents of cars park at the front of their respective houses being broken in and in some cases, stolen.
Very recently, another monstrosity took place to one of my friend who lives nearby too.
While she was getting out of her car from the front porch, a man wearing a jacket and helmet appeared out of no where and snatch the bag right out of her hand and made a run for it. My friend, being as brave as she is, gave chase and caught up to him just as he was getting on his bike and she hit him and attempted to overturn his bike by kicking it but before she could get to the second part of her assault, the intruder smacked her on the forehead and kicked her down. Of course, he successfully escaped.
The point is, what is happening to this area? And even worse, this country?
Look at all the people being blown up by C4 and rammed down by cars on purpose. And then count the number of people being raped and our innocent countrymen (or women) falling prey to snatch thieves everyday. I've never bothered to do a survey but I'm sure if we did count all the incidences of assault on innocent people in this country, it will probably tally with the amount of corruption happening within our ministry and police force!
They take bribes, the GIVE bribes. They don't do their jobs properly and eat off our hard earned tax money. Isn't it time somebody with an ambition kicked these bastards in the groin and say "This is the end of the line."?!
Just look at how stupid they are. They other day, they forked up 5 mill to pay for counterfeit parts and believe you me, there's no way the top officials didn't know what they were buying. They probably pocketed a few millions themselves and are right now feeling sorry not for doing such a shameful act, but for being caught doing it. But then again, they'll probably give half of their bounty to whoever are investigating on their tails and the accusers will just shut up and we'll hear nothing of this case again.
It's a shame that just because we're ignorant of such cases, it doesn't mean they aren't taking place right under our noses.
Saturday, July 21
Paid In Full With A Glass of Milk
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight (We gon' fight)
Believe we gon' fight (We gon' fight)
Fight for our right to love yeah
Don't ask why but the lyrics are stuck in my head. Doesn't it annoy you when something like that happens?! Well, the best cure to it is to listen to another crappy song and "poof" goes the previous crappy song, to be replaced by the next even crappier song. Ah~ the cruel cycle of life.
I guess even songs must live in their own rules of the jungle, the survival of the fittest bla bla bla.
While we're talking bout songs, have you heard 4 In The Morning by Gwen Stefani? It rocks!!
Anyway, last night Slur and I were discussing bout money and overpaid celebrities and crap like that and in case you're wondering who the overpaid celeb is, it's all of them. I mean why the hell are they getting paid millions to do movies when those producers can just cut the cost and pay 'em less AND charge less from us to watch it! I call this a bunch of bolognese, and no I don't mean bolognese sauce.
Anyway, have any of you heard of Gisele Bundchen? Well, Slur was enlightened bout her existence last night... I think it's last night cause she thats when she started ranting about her but thats not the point. The point is the names Tyra Banks and Kate Moss and even AJ Stewart from America's Next Top Model are more familiar to us when we think about models and yet that Bundchen woman is the top earning model! Kate Moss is 2nd and pulls in a whooping 9 mill a year or something...
Guess how much Bundchen does?
33 mill.
Yes.... For those of you running for your calculators, that's more than 3 times the amount Moss earns. And the worst part is, Kate Moss even has her own brand of clothing!
I first heard of this name when I was watching Top 20 Richest Women In Entertainment and they were like uh.... Christina Aguilera and Ellen DeGeneres and then there was Gisele (who??) at number 16! Which is above both the names I just mentioned.... I mean Christina the hottest babe who can actually hold a tune with millions of fans and records everywhere and she's below this Bunny I've never even heard of until that moment!
And then I watched further and I was struck by another shocking truth!
J.Lo and Mariah Carey are 38 f-ing years old!
What the hell?! What has come of this world?!!
I mean seriously, I was thinking they're like 25 or something and for those of you who're saying "Come on, you were off by just 13 years~" well come on your own head cause even 29.5 and 30 years old makes a world of difference... 25 and 38 is just off the charts.
But that wasn't the end of the shocking truths... No, life is never so kind now is it?
Then we moved further up the list and guess who's there? Britney! Well, at least she really is 25 years old.
Oh, in case you guys are wondering, no, Britney is NOT above Mariah. Come on lah, Mariah outsold The Beatles! I was saying moving further up from Bundchen.
Then we moved a little higher up from Britney and what the hell?!
Mary Kate and Ashley are in the top 10! And they're exactly ONE FREAKING YEAR older than me. ONE YEAR!!!
I can work and huff and puff for the rest of my life and I would never in this world earn what they have NOW and they're only one year away from where I am in life right now!
That's just a bunch of bolognese if you ask me.
No, this is beyond bolognese. This is like sirloin steak or something!
How could that be?
And these people have like 100 or 200 mills each and I was like wow.... Then we reached number 2 and I went berserk. It was too much to bear...
JK Rowling who was living off welfare when we were still in primary school. Yes, that's HER on the list and that's her at number 2! With a F-ing 1 billion dollars! What happened to welfare and all that crap?! She's got ONE F-ING BILLION! And one billion is a loooooooot.
Then the list moved one last step and that was when I stopped watching (partly cause it was already the end of the show). There stood Oprah Winfrey all high and mighty on her number one podium. Guess how much she has? 1.5 billion. And at first I was like "Oh, haha. Just .5 more that Rowling ma~" and then it hit me.
That ".5" is actually worth 500 million!!
And most people on that list up till around number 5 had less than 500 million!!!!
What the heck?!
Peppercorn and sesame seeds! This is what this is!
Wednesday, July 18
Kick Me I'm An Idiot
But anyway, yeah, she's working! I don't know as a what and don't really know at where but in general, she is now an office lady working in the bank!
Mid-post PS: Slur, it wouldn't hurt to enlighten me more on this issue.
So, as I was telling Mae. Probably 3 days from now, give or take a week, a down on his luck guy whose wife just left him for a really good-looking playboy will go to the ATM to check his bank account and think he somehow miraculously won the lottery whereas the playboy / wife-stealer will be informed that he is now broke as all his savings miraculously disappeared.
Upon hearing this, some would say karma. As for me, I would say, "Karma? What karma? It's Slur working in a bank!"
So beware my dear audience, and guard your bank accounts.... with your life!
Tuesday, July 17
Misery Loves Company
Just think about it. How many of you have sat in your car waiting for the lights to change, or lie on your bed waiting for sleep to come and have nothing, nothing at all, happen to you? I mean, you're waiting, right? Does something good happen? NO! Does something bad happen? More likely.
Who knows, you might just get rammed in the ass by some newb driver who doesn't know the difference between the right and middle paddle.
Or maybe you'll be staring up at your ceiling and some Mr. Know-It-All lizard will poop right above your face.
In my opinion, and by golly it ain't a tad bit humble at all, the above scenarios have a higher probability of occurring than a winning lottery ticket mysteriously flying into your hands as you wait for the bus.
The other day, we speculate it to be a Friday, I was waiting... OK, not me. I wasn't even there for god's sake. So, my car was waiting, parked safely in my front lawn, for my family's return from KL and it was doing nothing at all. Nothing. You know, it was just chilling and waiting and hoping and wishing and no I'm not going to sing.
Yeah, so it was waiting safe within the perimeters of my house and when we came back on Sunday, guess what happened to the waiting car?
I can assure you it's definitely not something good.
Some idiot robber or what ever you call those people smashed open the rear car window, went in and dismantled the CD player and the dashboard along with it. Oh, and he (probably a he cause only scumbags would do this) left lots of scars on the car cause by what ever thing he was using to pry out the dashboard! And now, my beautiful X-Trail is in the workshop and will remain there for quite some time as we have to restore it to it's former galore.
All this trouble for probably a 100 ringgit or something. And we had to go through the trouble of making a police report!
I mean the police report was no trouble, what I meant was the having to drive there when I could have been watching Ellen DeGeneres at home part. In fact, contrary to popular Chinese belief, making a police report is no hassle at all!
All those Chinese aunties were going around telling my mom that she shouldn't bother to make a report when those Malays will just give them trouble because we (and those aunties) aren't the same race and I tell them and everyone else right here and right now that that is a bunch of bullshit. BULLSHIT!!
Not only were they kind and considerate of my limited knowledge of the Malay language, they had the whole thing done in less than one hour. Which is quite good considering they had to type the report, take our statements, check the car condition and take pictures of it. They were even gonna try to check for fingerprints but I told them all 3 members of my family and my neighbours have defiled the "crime scene" with our hands so they didn't anymore but I mean that's an initiative, right?
So take all your racial discriminations and all your my-race-is-better-than-yours attitude and shove it up yours cause the only people making such sensitive issues exist are the people who try to avoid it by not interacting with others! I admit I was naive enough to not be open minded about such differences before but luckily, I've been enlightened during the 18 months I spent in college.
Tuesday, July 10
The Hardest To Learn Was The Least Complicated

Why didn't anybody tell me the things you learn when you're older are the real truths and thou shalt not be a big idiot who blows everything by being too honest. Seriously, which idiot blurts out the honest truth every single time she's faced with a situation when a little lie will help everybody!
The answer is ME, in case you were seriously wondering.
The first time I was faced (and noticed) with this situation was during the IELTS speaking test, and the interviewer / invigilator / I-dunno-who said, "Tell me about a letter you received recently."
To which I replied, "I don't receive letters."
Yes, smart. This idiotic move was followed with nearly 2 minutes of silence where we sat staring at each other. Which was really wrong because she wasn't even close to pretty! Way too much make up on. But then again, without all that junk on her face she might have to reveal that she has tons of wrinkles on her face.
I guess she was in denial... And no, I am so not bitter over it.
Oh, yeah. I got a 7 out of 9 for that section which is not good. Not good at all. Damn woman.
So, the same situation happened again today. I was at an interview for the medic program at Monash and you know how all of these things go. You sit down bla bla bla and the inevitable "So, why do you wanna be a doctor?"
To which I, again, foolishly replied, "Cause I was brought up being told I should be one and that's probably the only thing I could imagine myself doing. Oh, and I guess the money is good."
Which are absolute truths. Seriously, up until like a month ago, I had no idea I actually had a choice on whether or not I wanted to be a doctor. But that's not really the point is it?
The point is I probably most definitely totally screwed up an otherwise perfectly half-screwed interview. Ironically, the interviewer was again a woman.
Sunday, July 8
Chicken Rice And More!
You can read the bulletin I wrote here:
Original: Opposite of Smart
Anyway, why do I say it DID bring me some good? I think it just boosted my popularity by 0.00001% or something. Here is what someone wrote back:
yeah i m totally standing on ur side...
u reli r our idol...
no matter in bkb o wat else..
u reli rox..
kip rockin..
stay cool oways...
n those hu lik 2 gain 1000 fren in their acc bt nt kipin in touch n nt reli a fren tat can pour out ur problem r kindda idiotic...
those r jz lik flower vase..beautiful bt useless...
Which is all good and everything. But there is just one very big problem that probably prompted Alanis Morissette into singing the song "Ironic". The person who reposted the above bulletin is no other than the person who inspired me to write it. The person who was doing all the things that I just said was stupid to do.
Ahh~ stupidity. You just have to love it.
I tried going hiking at Kerachut yesterday morning but it didn't go so well. Actually, it didn't go at all. Cause for some unexplainable reason the gods of above decided to take a shower after like a month of smothering us in haze. Since it rained and two princesses (read Mae and PF) were too royal and majestic to have a speck of mud befall them, we canceled it and instead, the rest of the guys and I ended up walking around Queens with me and MS in our "outdoor activity" attire.
Right now you must be wondering why it's just the two of us dressed like so. Well, apparently, in the encyclopedias of Fung, YP and Ken, "attire for hiking" equals to fashionable board shorts or short jeans and 100 dollar shirts with brand names like Billabong.
In case I haven't bragged this fact enough yet, allow me the pleasure of doing so once more.
Ladies and gentleman, I have a new job! I'm working as a tuition teacher for Primary 3 kids at a kindergarten / daycare center nearby. The pay is great! Cause basically I have to teach these kids 2 hour long tuitions, twice a day five days a week. That probably adds up to like 80 hours a month for 600. Don't you just love it? But my actual work time spans longer cause after the morning classes I stay back to chat with the cute-beyond-description kids who are just so innocent! No wonder there are pedophiles out there! Not that this justifies their action. In fact, this makes me hate them even more for causing harm to such precious treasures of life.
Don't get me wrong, I still hate kids. I just love them when they're so cute.
And of course, since I have to teach them Chinese and Malay - let's face it, I didn't get a C in Chinese for no reason and anybody who gave me an A for Malay must be extremely retarded - so I spend a lot more time flipping through dictionaries and calling up people to ask them about work.
Yes, I have graduated from A-Levels which is college level but I have trouble teaching these kids Chinese and Malay. The principal of Chung Ling Butterworth will probably commit suicide if he found out I have been teaching these kids numerously wrong words, pronunciations and phrases all week long. And I seriously have been teaching them the wrong stuff. This I am sure of cause I always check back with my friends every 2 or 3 days about what I've taught them and they always, ALWAYS, end up laughing their belly out and frowning at me all in one go.
Such disgrace.
Haha. Here's a funny story from one of my kids. This girl named Joanne, she's the Slur type of kid only with less cheapness and like an IQ that's 100 points lower - which makes her do cute stuffs even more! Anyway, one Thursday, she missed class so I got worried and went to ask about her and here's what the other teachers told me.
"Oh Joanne a? Haha, she won't make it today! Apparently, while at school, she was helping a teacher to find a friend and when she turned a corner, she ran straight into some metal thing hanging on the wall and fell down and THEN smacked her head on some chair. So she fainted and has been admitted to some hospital."
To this, everyone in the room laughed in a deafening roar. Seriously, how slur do you have to get to FAINT at school for a reason like that?! Feel free to laugh at her, cause she really is cute in that aspect. But of course, with all due respect, she is a very obedient kid who listens to everything teachers say as best as she can.
Oh wait, before that Slur goes all high and mighty and starts complaining why the title has nothing to do with the content, let me explain something briefly. I thought of this title cause I kept thinking to myself "What to write? What to write? Chicken rice~ Chicken rice~."
Ah well, being a hamster that she is, she'll probably say that's a crappy explanation, I might as well add something to make it relevant. Do you know that Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur is offering a package of chicken rice in Ipoh for two at the very small price of over one thousand US dollars? Only idiots will actually fall for that trick! Chicken rice for two that cost like RM7000!
Price of local chicken rice: RM5.00
Price of offered by Traders: USD 1800+
Price of seeing foreigners being conned: Priceless